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I'm going away for the weekend

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    I'm going away for the weekend

    Well done!

    HI Doo!

    Great news :goodjob: - and good that your sister is supportive and thoughtful - you're going to have a great weekend and it sounds like you're also going to learn a lot from it - maybe write some of these 'tools' down so that when tempted you can look back and remind yourself of triggers, how you felt at a particular time (both good and bad), how you coped, strategies, etc - I've found that verbalising it helps clarify things in my head.

    I so relate to the arguments in the head - infact that's why I'm finally AF - I couldn't escape them - it was a daily and constant internal fight and when I finally realised that moderation at the moment was not an option, that it had to be NO alcohol at least for the time being - then the arguments stopped. The amazing sense of peace and relief was wonderful! There are still voices and discussions, but the focus is now on what to do instead, how to get past this next craving, what am I going to do with this next day? etc. Go for the 30 days AF and see how you feel then - give yourself a break from those really annoying, loud, obnoxious arguments in your head!

    Have a fabulous weekend - look forward to hearing about it on your return
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      I'm going away for the weekend

      Oh well done to you Scoobs!!! I am proud of you. Have a really lovely weekend. Love Bella xxxx


        I'm going away for the weekend

        Doo - havent been able to log in for a few days - but I was thinking about you - well done, but you know there was no question in my mind that you would do it.
        Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


          I'm going away for the weekend

          Hi Scooby....go ahead and have a fun weekend.It is tough as you said you are A weeked drinker(i think?).dont ruin this one though and its worse when you get so so sloshed you cant remember what you said or did!!

          Keep motivated and log on every few hours in your "danger zone drink time"

          Have fun..

          regards Cassy


            I'm going away for the weekend

            Well Done Scooby,

            I can imagine how tough that must have been for you..But the fact that you did it speaks volumes about your resolve and pesonality..

            Very well done
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              I'm going away for the weekend

              So Scooby Scooby doo how are you? I'd Say fine!! Ever since tyou changed your name everytime I see it I want to burst into the theme song!! Go going.


                I'm going away for the weekend

                Have a great weekend! You do know that you will have to tell us how it went... there are 2 scenarios: 1- you drink. 2- you don't and you come home after an enjoyable, sober, proud weekend and you can't wait to share it with us. You have the choice and we will support you whatever you do. Does your sister know what you are going through?


                  I'm going away for the weekend

                  Hmmm... well... I didn't fare so well on Saturday night. My resolve weakened and we had a bottle of wine and then some more... and then Sunday night I suppose I made up for Friday night. It's been public holidays here so no school nights etc ie I'm allowing myself to drink.

                  I'm still smoke free and I'm reminding myself that I should be proud that I've cut back a lot compared to where I was 6 weeks ago.

                  Thanks for asking Simey, and thanks to everyone else for your support. This place is awesome to just release the thoughts!

                  At this point I'm trying to decide whether to discuss Topa/Campril with my doc... (I know she'll prescribe it if I really want it... we've become quite good trusted friends) the worst thing of all is that I actually enjoy getting drunk every now and again, except that it happens every weekend without fail. Soooo god damn frustrating!

                  Mr Doo is very supportive but just doesn't get *it*. He's wonderful though!

                  Scooby-Scooby Doo
                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    I'm going away for the weekend

                    Scoob, are you married to my husband? Are you me?? Did I want something that was going to take away the drinking?? I liked what went along with the drinking - most of it, anyway. But the stuff I didn't like was screwing up the rest of my life.

                    I went through the same thing with Topa/Campral. Tried Campral for three days. The cravings went away, but without the desire to quit, it was pointless. It's just like food - I don't eat because I'm hungry or not; I eat because I'm bored, angry, loney - fill in the blank. Then I tried topa. It took away my taste for beer, which I thought was impossible. I found I was drinking much slower. So I forced myself to speed up to catch up with my husband! Talk about the hangover from hell.

                    So I blew the dust off of the hypno tapes, gritted my teeth and forged ahead. Half way into my 72 days, I tapered off the topa, and it was still easy - until we went out of town. I think I was "expected to drink". Now I'm using the topa as a tool again to help me through the first month or two, then I'll go from there.

                    Mr. Barb doesn't get it either, but he'd just as soon go along and not have it explained. He, too is wonderful.

