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    If you could get into a time machine and go back in history for, say, one week, where would you like to go ??

    I would love to visit the Georgian period, before the rise of the Industrial Revolution and the petrol engine... Also I would love to go back to the Swinging Sixties.. I seemed to miss out on all that swinging last time, so I would definitely make up for it now....!!!
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


    Irish For one week it would be to be with my Dad the week before he died. To try to mend fences to find out why he didn't have a very high opinion of me even though I was his first born just for closure. For 1 day I wiah I could go back to My daughter's first wedding it was here at home and I was so busy running around making it perfect for her, my friend who did her makeup said she seemed hesitant. I know I could have talked her out of it. We wouldn't be estranged now. But I would not have my Grandson if I had done that. Ironic?



      Yea I can think of going back and making a different decision one day in my past.

      That decision turned my life 180 degrees 30 years ago. Today I feel like that was the wrong decision, and as I sit here today it nearly is or has destroyed me...

      and yet since it's not over yet, maybe what I do as a result of it all...

      one day at a time is what I was always supposed to do....

      What will I accomplish or who will I impact now that, will have made all that (pain, distress etc) worth while...

      worth me being here on the earth, where I am now, that I may never had done if I had not made... what I think was a wrong decision back then....

      Heavy stuff hun?

      So ...well may be I just say to Irishlady's question...I would have like o have met Jesus when He was here as man...
      Control the Mind



        I would love to see the horse and buggy days !

        Good Morning Irishlady (love that cat in a hat ! tee hee !)
        Ever since I was little I would always say that I wish I was born in the horse and buggy days. (I still have the first horse I've ever owned and he'll be 30 on our 23rd. wedding anniversary) Anyhow, the old order Mennonites have been moving into our small country community and I get to see the horse and buggy days ! They really are amazing people and very friendly neighbours to have. No loud music, no roudy parties Giggle Giggle.
        Kudzu is a wonderful tool. I have no cravings for alcohol atall.
        Tee Hee enjoying day 3 !
        Have a wonderful day. I'm greatful for you welcoming me into "the family" here the other day. ~Niblet~

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

          Rocky, I love you. You are a mighty man of God I can tell by your peaceful spirit. That decision just wasn't meant to be. Maybe if you had done that you wouldn't be here inspiring others like me. I would have like to met Jesus here on earth too. He probably would have said to me Woman you talk to much, sit down and listen.


            IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

            To go back to the first time I hurt my family with my drinking & have the strength that I have now to go AF. Would have saved me yrs. of pain, anguish, dumb decisions....the what ifs.

            I like this time....I knew life before VCR's, DVD's, cell phones, internet....I got many "when I was your age we played music on cassettes & had a record player" stories to tell my kids. LOL! One day we were at a 50's style McDonald's with 45 records on the walls. My 5 yo goes "mommy look at those DVD's".. ...
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

              I started school in the 50's. In many ways it was not pleasant for me..

              But thank God....

              There were days of playing outside until dark and coming in to dinner...not out of a bucket!
              I was not fearful of my homeland being blown up by some idiot , either local or from another country.
              I was ok with watching TV on Saturday night and then no one had to "rate" the shows for language or filth.
              People all had jobs and we (USA) supplied most of our needs from within our borders.
              Tomatoes and corn tasted like tomatoes and corn!
              The whole family took care of Grandma and Grandpa.
              Women wore their bras and didn't burn them. The Dads were mostly the ones who got tipsy.
              Everyone wrote letters on paper and you didn't worry about there being some poison on them when the mailman delivered them.

              Oh my.....I think I'll go soak my feet in the creek for a spell..

              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                Okay Fan i am going to have to print this one out - they eyes are not what they use to be.

                I think I would go back to my daughters 2nd birthday - I did some things that changed our lives and I would change those things - maybe things would be different between us now. another relationship my behaviour has damaged.
                Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                  IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                  I would to hang out with James Dean for a week.


                    IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                    I would go back and be with my mom when she died.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                      I would go back to my college years when life was perfect. Little responsibility, my parents were still alive, I had wonderful friends and my life and all its possibilities held such promise.
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                        I would go back in time to 1954, and shake my hips with Elvis...
                        Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


                          IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                          I'd go back to before settlers arrived in North America, and visit a couple of indian tribes; I'm sure I'd learn a thing or two as well as see beautiful lands.

                          AF since 6JUN2012


                            IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                            -Hang out with Karen Carpenter and sing a duet
                            -Have a torrid one night stand with Ryan ONeil when he was hot
                            -Be a close member of either Marie Antoinette or Elizabeth I court (one of the favored members).

                            In my own life, go back to when I was dating my second husband, with this head on my sholders, and realize that this was no way to allow someone to treat you and break off the relationship. Even though I would not have had my son, I know that destiny would have lead me to the man I am married to now, and maybe we would have shared a child together.

                            Interesting thread.


                              IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                              If I could go back in time I would go back to early civilization in China and see how advanced they were compared to the rest of the early civilations.

                              If I had to go back in the time spanning my years I would go back to when my son was born and hold him again for the first time. That is the only time in my life I have ever felt true love instantly. My precious little boy won over his daddy immediately I got to hold him first too

                              Great idea for a thread!

