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    i would like one of two times...either when i was 9 and something terrible happened to me, that is one thing that i would love to have stopped happening to me...anmd i know it is my experiences that make me who i am but still that was an awful experience or...

    i would love to go back the age of the dinosaurs and see what actually killed them...
    http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again



      I would go back to right before the conception of my first child, and live each second of each day over again. Armed with the knowledge that I now have, I would do it better. I would cherish each moment, treasure each memory, as I now do. Not make the mistakes. To relive watching 3 sweet little boys. Oh, to go back. Only to August of 1981.


      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



        I have always wanted to go back in time to meet up with the poet Robert Burns, but with his reputation for drinking and womanising I'd be back in the old mess!



          IF YOU COULD GO BACK..


          Wish I would never have started. The biggest demon I've ever had to beat.


            IF YOU COULD GO BACK..


            Would have married my high school sweetheart who I loved but loved to many other women for her to tolerate. Seen her 10 months ago and fell in love again. Good job , head on straight and my family adores her and reminds me constantly I screwed up and it's been 25 years.


              IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

              As an adult now... I would go back to July 1973 and stop my school friend going to the shop for a neighbour...... he raped her and hid her body in among potato and veg peelings under his sink... for weeks... We were ten years old...

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                Oh, what a question.... Especially with the b-day closing in on me....

                Back in time would have to be... well, damn. I'm at a loss. (Too attached to my quasi-health and electricity. Studied anthropology so know what hell life without meds were!) Maybe that first day when the early settlers in Maine looked out and saw ships sailing into Penobscot bay. Think 1600s on a beautiful summer day, smell the breeze and beautiful pines. Would love to wear the dresses and petticoats. Ooh! Maybe court life with Elizabeth I would be fun too! (Only if rich. I've no taste for rags or chores w/o modern conveniences. Alas, a hedonist to be sure.)

                Regrets? Not the subject. But in a personal tone, with the birthday looming I'll make a wish: I'd love to go back to about 5 years and wake refreshed and excited for the day. Just one day to have the energy of my daughter. Think of the chores I could get done. (I know, NOT the point! But still, it'd be lovely to be caught up. Not that I would.)

                Gloria (Who wouldn't trade today for all the tea in China!)


                  IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                  Oh my goodness Tea I'm totally speachless after reading what you experienced as an innocent 10 year old little girl . You are so strong to share that with us and also trusting that it falls on caring, loving ears. Hugs to you.
                  You've got nowhere to go but up now Baby !
                  Take Good Care,

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    IF YOU COULD GO BACK..


                    Not an experience anyone of 10 years old should ever have to endure.
                    How you deal with something like that and move on, I hope I never have to find out.

                    Take care

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                      Wow, what a thread! What experiences ...! It's not an excuse, but no wonder some of us turned to booze to deal with life!

                      Anyway, if I could go back in time, I would want to live in the late 1800s in Laos, a country close to my heart. I lived there for 10 years, and still work there on a monthly basis. It used to be part of Indochina and suffered a great deal under colonial powers - the French, the Japanese, but also under some proxy-American rule. In any case, I would have just like to go back in time and just witnessed one typical week in the royal capital of Luang Prabang. And while we're at it, I wouldn't mind going back 100 years ago to Vietnam where I live now, just to compare. And if it's not asked to much, Cambodia.

                      OK, I'm checking out now. How much would that be Irish? Can I pay in EURO or do you accept Credit Card?
                      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                        IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                        I would go back and

                        see real living dinosaurs
                        see ancient Egypt at its height
                        Learn some Tai Chi from it's inventors rather than several hundred years removed from them.
                        Invent MWO 15 years earlier - so I could have spent more meaningful time with my kids.
                        Actually catch the theiving scrote who stole my beloved 100cc Kawasaki motorcycle!
                        Chat to Einstein about relativity theory and point him in the direction of superstring theory to see what he thought.
                        Watch Jimi Hendrix play live
                        Go back the next night to watch Jimi again.

                        Should be able to fit that into a week!


                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                          Excellent question ...

                          Going back in time scares me! Though there was one regret I always had, when I was 16 or 17, (can't quite remember exactly) I wanted to ask a certain gorgeous, blonde haired girl who went to the same school as I did, out on a date so badly but I was either too shy or afraid of getting a no answer. I had a tremendous crush on her, but could not read the vibes from her whether or not she was interested or not, so I wimped out!! Now I will never know, but I will always wonder whatever happened to her ...


                            IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                            As going back scares me, I'd rather use a time machine and go forward a thousand years, to see the fascinating discoveries and inventions. To see if space travel is possible.

                            Granted it might be a wasteland of dry dust due to global warming, but I have the hope and belief that man (sorry for all you PC people) and woman, will figure this out and prevent us from destroying the world.


                              IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                              There is two different times in my life that I would love to go back to. When I was a child and my mother was married to an abusive alcoholic. I would love to think that I could have helped her or myself if I knew then what I know now. Maybe I wouldn't be such a scared and timid person, (alcoholic at that). The second would be high school. Being a mother my junior year was very hard on me. But I don't know where I'd be without my daughter.


                                IF YOU COULD GO BACK..

                                King Chuka of South Africa or better still Chief Bahati of Mount Kenya, but not as one of the African tribe .... but as a White Explorer. For one reason only, to utilize my abilty to write... and tell all about these most wonderful people, so that generations to come could read about them...and the true values of life. Heavy but true.

                                My second choice: Queen Elizabeth 1st of England.... by god what a gutsy person (note I did not say gusty lady...... she had more balls than any man around!)
                                A BushBaby with Attitude

