Last Christmas my wife started acting different........REALLY different. When I asked as to what was going on, she said it was fine, and it would pass. Im not the kind of person to just let something slide when my Spidey sense goes off, but she kept telling me it was fine.
Finally she came clean that the depression was really bad, but, she didnt want to tell me, because she thought it meant she was weak.
It was ruining her inside, and I couldnt help because I didnt know what was going on in her head. Its not a weakness, its just a "wiring issue" that some people have and some people dont.
We still have to deal with her "swings" but, now that I understand what is going on, it is much easier to deal with.
I hope this comes across with the intent I wrote it....not telling you what to do, just giving a perspective from someone dealing with depression that a loved one is suffering from.
I dont pretend to know everything about depression, but, if you ever wanna chat, PM me Im happy to talk about what he have gone through
Good luck my friend