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SAD / Winter depression

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    SAD / Winter depression

    Softy;1581757 wrote: The light therapy is not working sorry to say. I have been feeling trapped and desperately unhappy / lonely for a week now. Not speaking much to the wife about it or anyone in work because i don't want to burden them with more problems, they have their own. Thought of handing my notice in today just to escape. Also thought of crashing the car. A couple of weeks in hospital tucked up in bed would suit me fine. I thought that it was the drink that did this to me. Two months off not made any difference to the winter depression. My dad was bipolar. I fear the same. But I can't tell people as they think I make it up just to be like my dad. I wish he was still alive. He was the only one who understood.
    In my "very humble" opinion, your loved ones should be in the loop as to what is going on. Having never dealt with depression and what it can do until a few years ago, I know what it can do to everyone involved.

    Last Christmas my wife started acting different........REALLY different. When I asked as to what was going on, she said it was fine, and it would pass. Im not the kind of person to just let something slide when my Spidey sense goes off, but she kept telling me it was fine.

    Finally she came clean that the depression was really bad, but, she didnt want to tell me, because she thought it meant she was weak.

    It was ruining her inside, and I couldnt help because I didnt know what was going on in her head. Its not a weakness, its just a "wiring issue" that some people have and some people dont.

    We still have to deal with her "swings" but, now that I understand what is going on, it is much easier to deal with.

    I hope this comes across with the intent I wrote it....not telling you what to do, just giving a perspective from someone dealing with depression that a loved one is suffering from.

    I dont pretend to know everything about depression, but, if you ever wanna chat, PM me Im happy to talk about what he have gone through

    Good luck my friend
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      SAD / Winter depression

      I am much happier without alcohol. Being productive makes me happy, even if that means just reading a book. When I drank I spent way too much time sitting and drinking.
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        SAD / Winter depression

        Softy - I just saw this. I am really struggling with what to say next, so I'll just be honest. I'm worried about you. Yes, we all experience depression when we are drinking, and then when we stop, but a couple of your comments make me think that this may be something a little more serious.

        Maybe you should try talking with your wife. I doubt very much that she will see this as just "one more problem." She must know how hard you are trying. My ex-husband spun into a terrible depression a few years ago, and to this day, I wish he had turned towards rather than away from me. Maybe things would have turned out differently. IMHO - she may want the opportunity to help if you'll let her.

        I understand that feeling of wanting to run away. It's why we drank in the first place, right? But quitting your job or crashing your car are not viable options. They are self-destructive. It sounds like things are becoming overwhelming in your life and you need a break. Please think about talking to someone in your real life, perhaps seeing a doctor for help, as well as posting here often.

        You will be in my thoughts, friend. Check back in soon and let us know how things are going.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          SAD / Winter depression

          You tried. Maybe you should see a doctor and get on some meds? Running and hiding will only worsen your issues. You have to come back someday, right? I hope you feel more whole soon.
          AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


            SAD / Winter depression

            Thank you all. Having a read and a think. Take care
            Last drink 6th September 2013


              SAD / Winter depression

              I just want to add my support and to say that I agree with the others, Softy. It sounds like really good advice to me, coming from JC, Nelz and Moss. Big hugs to you!:l


                SAD / Winter depression

                I've struggled with this ever since I moved to the PNW. Before I lived in NC which was mostly sunny, even in the winter. Not the case here... not only does the sun not come out, but it also rains. I take a SSRI and liquid Vit D.
                AF: 11/7/13


                  SAD / Winter depression

                  Softy - how are you doing? Thinking of you.
                  Everything is going to be amazing


                    SAD / Winter depression

                    That's very kind and the people here are very humbling. Thank you.
                    Last drink 6th September 2013

