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No way November

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    No way November

    Morning all,
    Congrats on 7 days today Queenbug :-D
    AF since Halloween 2016

    Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


      No way November

      Thanks, QuakeGirl

      Day 4 and feeling good


        No way November

        Well done Skullbabyland (amazing name!)
        Congrats to Wine no, seems like you really nailed it in October:wd: so am sure November will be a success too
        :goodjob: to all on No way November!
        I feel knackered but happy, it is now past midnight so I am at the start of my day 11
        New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


          No way November

          Way to go everyone!!! :kudos::thanks:
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            No way November

            Ok, I'm shaky: I am having a really bad time. I had a real
            shock over something yesterday and I had wine with dinner. Then today a phone call to say a family member had died, so an unplanned trip out of town and a gruelling funeral tomorrow. I had to cancel my 'me' trip away later this month (a no drinking reward - retreat) with all my parents health issues piling up. And right now, not drinking feels like really hard work. More than I can deal with, on top of the load. I didn't drink in the airport lounge. I won't drink when I get 'home' tonight (2nd base). But I don't know about tomorrow. I really don't.


              No way November

              Ok, I'm shaky: I am having a really bad time. I had a real
              shock over something yesterday and I had wine with dinner. Then today a phone call to say a family member had died, so an unplanned trip out of town and a gruelling funeral tomorrow. I had to cancel my 'me' trip away later this month (a no drinking reward - retreat) with all my parents health issues piling up. And right now, not drinking feels like really hard work. More than I can deal with, on top of the load. I didn't drink in the airport lounge. I won't drink when I get 'home' tonight (2nd base). But I don't know about tomorrow. I really don't.


                No way November

                Oh Quake - :l:l:l I am so sorry. I am just so sorry.

                Such a hard time for you. I am sending you lots of positive thoughts.

                I do want to tell you to try to hang on. Avoid the alcohol as much as you possibly can. I fell into that trap earlier this year when we had so many deaths in the family. It didn't help anything and it was hard to pull myself back out of it. Try to come here & post - come here for support. I pulled away from MWO during that period of time. It is better to stay close even if you're drinking. Stay here with the support.

                My thoughts are with you. :h
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  No way November

                  Thanks, Nora - I so appreciate your support. Funnily enough, I got 'home' from the airport (I miss my kids SOOOO much ( and I am so tired, I have just rinsed out a dress for the funeral, thrown it into the drier, and fallen into bed. Wine is the last thing I want.
                  But tomorrow will be hard. I keep thinking about something I read here, that somebody said: that they never regretted NOT drinking. But there were many times they regretted drinking.
                  It would be better for me to stay AF tomorrow. The funeral is a long drive in the morning..a long day...and a long drive back again. Already, I am not feeling great about that many hours on the road. Even a couple of glasses of wine would be enough to take me down many notches...and I am already so tired.
                  So I won't drink tomorrow. There we have it. It will be a hard enough day, without knocking myself around some more.
                  Thanks, Nora. I will stay close. I won't let myself skulk away and hang my (metaphorical) head in a corner somewhere. Thanks x


                    No way November

                    Quake....good for you. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.Take care and I'm glad you are going to stick close to us.:l
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      No way November

                      Sorry, Quake. Sounds awful. Don't be too hard on yourself- the universe isn't gonna stop being an asshole just because you are trying to stay sober. Dust yourself off.. Don't think too far ahead, nobody alcoholic or not can promise anything about tomorrow. Take it slowly and deliberately- I wish you the best. You can do this.


                        No way November

                        I'm so sorry quake. Sending hugs your way. I found what Tom says to be true. . .slow and deliberate!


                          No way November

                          Hey Quake - thinking of you. I am sure it was a very hard day today. Check in when you can. :l:l
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            No way November

                            Thanks Nora, Tom and Lizann - I DID IT! 12 hour funeral day, and not a drop of alcohol passed my lips. Then when I got home, exhausted, quick pizza out with soda walker. I have my butt firmly planted back on the wagon
                            How's everyone else getting on? First week nearly done and dusted now!


                              No way November

                              Good job, Quake. Once we get the drinking thing out of the way we can focus on the obscene amount of pizza you seem to eat. I'm doing well, day 60 something without booze and this is day 9 since ending my klonopin taper early and I feel better than I have in a long time. It was 4-5 days of hell but I'm very glad I did it, I feel proud and that is hard to come by.


                                No way November

                                Quake - GOOD JOB!!!! :goodjob:

                                Tom - you are sounding good. My cousin said that getting off of those was the hardest thing she had ever done. And she had been on Speed! So, congratulations. :l
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

