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Whose avitar do you covet

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    Whose avitar do you covet


    Nobody look at the Duck ...


      Whose avitar do you covet

      Yup, Tawns, now that we finally woke up this side of the planet to this serious discussion! ;-))))

      Ripley, you're a psychologist! Thanks for your analysis of the matter. Nothing to add!

      I must say, though, when we talk about coveting avatars, here's my most favorite list -

      1. Pansy gets an Oscar for most cute!
      2. Macks for most wicked!
      3. Paddy for most undecided!
      4. Irish for most feline!
      5. Beaches for most relaxing!
      6. Lucky for most quack!
      7. Mrs. Macks for most retro!
      8. Betty Boop for most sexy!
      9. Tawns and Bella share the Oscar for most floral avatars!
      10. Popeye grabs the Oscar for Mr. Muscle Man & the Spinach Award at the same time
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Whose avitar do you covet

        Paddy, what do I get?????


          Whose avitar do you covet

          I chose mine to make me laugh. I laugh at Irish's too. My kids love it. Bird


            Whose avitar do you covet

            I like it bird; but what is it ? It reminds me of a seasick seal. It is cute I like the smile.


              Whose avitar do you covet

              11. Mar gets a 'special' Oscar for putting us back in Time when Lauren Bacall was sexy and nice - while doing a great job taking care of her alcoholic husband

              Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                Whose avitar do you covet

                Thanks Paddy, I'll accept the oscar on behalf of Lauren Bacall. But my husband isn't the one with the drinking problem it's me. He just had a bad evening last week and got toasted one evening. compared to the countless ones I have put him through, I can handle it , not it like; but handle it.
                Always love ya Paddy!


                  Whose avitar do you covet

                  I just can't believe that not one person here covets my avatar:upset:

                  Incensed doesn't even begin to cover it.

                  (stomping off in a huff)
                  :h :h :h :h


                    Whose avitar do you covet

                    Oh I forgot about yours. No pouting. I covet yours since Lucky changed hers to something I no longer like. Feel better?
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Whose avitar do you covet

                      You don't really mean it.
                      :h :h :h :h


                        Whose avitar do you covet

                        I reckon i covet my own... but I| do relate to simey's and Ljshy;s. Oh and popeye id gorgeous too!
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          Whose avitar do you covet

                          Don't worry Q no one covets mine either. Not even a mention is Paddy's list of TEN. :upset:
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            Whose avitar do you covet

                            Hmmm, my avator shows how I feel the morning after being AF the night before.... BUT BUT BUT, I am a Virgo soooooo, no telling me how great I am purleezeee...... far too showy for meee. xxxx
                            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                              Whose avitar do you covet

                              See, a lot of these we just did not think about. Tea you have an awesome avatar. But I will not tell you how great you are. I can restrain myself.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                                Whose avitar do you covet

                                Lush, I just knew there was restraint there .... somewhere ... lol, luv your new one!!
                                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

