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Whose avitar do you covet

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    Whose avitar do you covet

    I really like Pansy's that pacing cat is funny. But I think it would distract me, Pansy your very focused.

    Rocky- how much cooler does it get ?

    Why did any of you chose your? I know the constantly chaning people probably are indecisive. Mine I love anything 1930-1950. I Love Glamour. I think I was probably Lupe Velez in a past life; She tried to kill her self while looking glamorous. Put on her make up great gown took a bunch of pills they made her sick she thew up and passed out; drowned in the toilet. My kindda luck
    Smiles & a great weekend

    Whose avitar do you covet

    It's really silly but I have the heart because my feelings get hurt very easily and I don't like to hurt other peoples feelings.

    If you look back at childhood pictures I'll be so upset in some of them I'll have my back turned holding on to my mom's leg.
    I really wish I would have outgrown this but nope I think it has gotten worse!


      Whose avitar do you covet

      Happy are you a cancer?


        Whose avitar do you covet

        sign not disease; I ask because my Mom Is andI made Leo by 1 day I have cancer tendencies. I don't like to hurt people either.


          Whose avitar do you covet

          I'm a Capricorn and most Capricorns that I know are kind of laid back people.
          I have a lot of Leo's in my life. You are not a true Leo Simey, I can tell.
          Leo's can have a temper and they get what they want in life.

          You asked what avatar we covet? I always giggle when I see GG's avatar. I think that is Jenny McCarthy.


            Whose avitar do you covet

            Well mine is a prune and that is because alcohol has drained the life out of me and left me a prune - I was once a plum and one day I hopefully will be a plum again - but i have the Egg Face for now as I shot my mouth off in the sport section about the cricket and we lost so for the duration of the World cup I promised to sport the Egg Face.

            I love yours Smily, it makes me think of a true lady and from reading your posts very appropriate. I also enjoy Rocky and Irish - after reading Irish?s threads it seems so fitting I have no idea why but it fits.
            Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


              Whose avitar do you covet

              Happier, some I know would disagree with you about the temper and getting what I want part. That's only with things i feel very passsionate about though. If I want something come Hell or highwater I'll get it. But when it comes to people I'm very sensitve, I guess It comes from being picked on as a kd so I tend to have a tender heart. I agree with GG avitar it looks like she just realized she said something she can't take back. Like being at a wedding and saying "I know it's not going to last. I was with him last night"
              Ha Ha

              I dated a Capricorn once the sweetest boy ever, wanted to get married he did; but I could tell he and I wanted different things.


                Whose avitar do you covet

                Well, my sister is a Leo and I have some friends that are Leo's and they got what they wanted career wise. They set their mind to it and got what they wanted. And when my sister yells we all hide under the table, even the dogs. It's kind of funny. My boys call her the mean lady.


                  Whose avitar do you covet

                  I chose mine because a beach puts me in a peaceful place. I love the water.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Whose avitar do you covet

                    Career, wise I am good at what I do but I live in a small town and everyone idea of decorating is slapping that 10x16 Olan Mills family portrait on the wall. As for event planning no one really wants to hand over control and knows someone who it great and will do it for nothing. YEAH!! My last event a bridal shower. Hit with inspiration Black and white toile loads of pink roses. Rose petals scattered on the serving table. A beautiful event. this was for a friend who trusted me what did I get paid ? Nada It wasn't her wedding shower it was for another friend of her's that I didnt even know. I lost money because I bought the bride to be a rose infused picture frame to remember her wedding shower. I should have been an actress,my first choice.


                      Whose avitar do you covet

                      i put mine cos i just love the symbol, i used to use it on my MSN too after getting guys forever asking me the eternal question of "got a boyfriend?" and the statement of "let me turn on your web cam" lol
                      http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                        Whose avitar do you covet

                        I'm guessing mine is pretty easy to figure out!! :crazymonkey:

                        I loved Gabby's old crazy penguin giving attitude!!
                        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                          Whose avitar do you covet

                          Mine just suits me. But I covet Lushy's.


                            Whose avitar do you covet

                            I did question your avatar but thought that maybe you had a child or relative that drew you a picture that you used as an avatar.
                            I would have like to have seen what the plum looked like.


                              Whose avitar do you covet

                              Is it true?

                              Hey Simeybear, I am the same my mom is a cancer and I am a Leo by a few days. I am very sensitive and many people have said to me your nothing like a Leo because I easily get hurt. Now this all makes sense to me.

