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Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

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    Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

    Ah... a fellow South African! And from the same province to boot.

    :wavin: DTD!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

      celtic-chick;1573310 wrote: Morning JC,Satz
      I forgot about the clocks going forward.
      Satz glad your enjoying Breaking Bad.Maybe season 5 might be out in time for xmas so you could get it as a pressie
      Ah thanks Chickadee - you are kind :H


        Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

        Off home - catch yiz later :bye:


          Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

          Hi and bye, Satzuma

          I'm a bit fecked after the week. Maybe a short nanna nap is in order.
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

            Very late check in :new:

            Feeling so much better but still not mobile without pain. Managed to get to the Physio who seemed very pleased with my progress and glad I am off the medication.Reckon it will take me 3 months to get back to normal.

            Hope everyone is OK?


              Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

              Evening guys, hope evryone is well, glad to hear ur feeling a wee bit better whizzy
              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
              Audrey Hepburn


                Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                Evening all,

                DreamThinkDo;1573393 wrote: Ambushing threads here. JC, the Grauniad had a story about chocmint crisps (or maybe even mintchoc) crisps - perhaps put that on your shopping list too. Then taste & tell.
                Never think you're ambushing a thread, Dreamy. You're more than welcome here. :hallo:

                Had to go to the gods of google to see what the Grauniad is, realised it's the Guardian. You will fit in here just fine.

                Had a look see at those mintchoc crisps as well. They'll be on me pay day shopping list.

                Yo there Mrs A. Glad to see you're feeling a tad better.:l
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Friday 25th Oct



                    Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                    Yo Zennifer,

                    Dealing with a slightly porky Labrador here that's wrapped round my legs.............we've got thunder and lightening.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                      Evening :hallo:

                      anon;1573467 wrote: Very late check in :new:

                      Feeling so much better but still not mobile without pain. Managed to get to the Physio who seemed very pleased with my progress and glad I am off the medication.Reckon it will take me 3 months to get back to normal.
                      At least you WILL get back to normal, whizzy, that's all that matters. :l

                      Is the Grauniad sold in SA?

                      Back from Witney with a haircut and groceries. I also stopped off at the pet shop and bulk bought dog bog bags :nutso:


                        Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                        Hewwo Reccybear,

                        We just use baby nappy sacks.

                        Glad you got that book, she talks a lot of sense

                        Was in our pet shop today having a good auld natter about the use of shock collars recommended by that other dog trainer whose initials are CM and apparently he's now recommending collars with spikes on the inside of them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

                        Ooooooooh it didn't half get heated as no-one can stand him.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                          satz123;1573422 wrote: Ah thanks Chickadee - you are kind :H
                          Lol :H


                            Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                            Hi Army :wavin:


                              Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                              Yo Satzenbrau
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread Friday 25th Oct

                                WTF with the dog collars?

                                And what are dog bog bars? I'm officially confused!

                                Big hugs to Black Bess Wrapped Around Yer Legs Bless...

