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Angry this morning

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    Angry this morning

    I have been doing well. AF all week except for Last night.

    I only had 4 beers but feel bad about it. I should not have had the last one.

    I wanted to wait until tonight to have a beer but my goal was broken.
    Starting over again 09/06/11

    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober


    Angry this morning

    Change, that was last night. this is today. So we start again; guilt and a dollar will get you well a dollar. Start again swetie


      Angry this morning

      Change I failed to reach my goal last night as well. I wanted to do a month and I managed 19 days AF. So I am pleased with that as it's the longest time ever for me and I am trying to be kind to myself. I had the internal dialogue before I took the first sip and made a deal that if I did drink then I wasn't going to give myself a guilt trip about it. So i haven't. INitially the motivation to carry on with the month was a lot to do with not wanting to tell people i had 'failed' but then I began to think that it's only me who is doing this (for me). It doesn't matter what others think and to be honest, they don't really care. I am not the sort of drinker who gets into fights etc so (I dont think) my drinking affects others that much in the way that other people here speak about. Don't dwell on what you did, think about what you didn't - AF all week. THat's brilliant.
      Chin up, have a great weekend.
      Bean x


        Angry this morning

        Change, Bean - I, too broke my AF last night. Just talking about it here today is helping me not have a bad "mental" hangover. We can't be too hard on ourselves. Don't listen to the unpleasant radio station in your head - change it - it's up to you! Demons are only demons if you call them demons...
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Angry this morning

          Change, one beer over the brim isnt' the end of the world, even tho it's not what you were shooting for. just say: that was a practice thow, now here we go!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Angry this morning

            Change, don't beat yourself up over four beers. If I could moderate like that I'd be the happiest man in the world! Your back and ready to try AF again. Onwards.......!



              Angry this morning

              Why is not drinking so hard for us?


                Angry this morning

                after 20 years AF why is this hard?


                  Angry this morning

                  now 7 years trying to get sober again


                    Angry this morning

                    Oh change how many times we have been there......but, like everyone has said...start again today and look at the bright side...4 could have been 40....


                      Angry this morning

                      Change, I think we repeat things until we learn from them...just see what it is you can learn..what happened, how were you feeling? Can you use that as a sign post next time? It's so easy for us to default to self loathing, but there in lies another lesson to learn.

                      Tom, good to see you here this morning..been thinking about you. I have all 4 grandkids this weekend helping me put in the I say more. Moderated last night, totally overdid it Friday night..I just have to listen to my own advice and be compassionate.

                      It's a new day, yesterday it helped to stay moderate by emersing myself in a big project..the, I'll do that again and hope that being outside doesn't tempt me to drink too many beers.

                      Gotta go, kids are waiting for breakfast!

