Just wondering what people's views are on relationships and drinking? I broke up with my bloke last year for a number of reasons but drinking was a main one. I'd tried to tell him early on that I had a drinking problem but he never really took it seriously. He doesn't get hangovers,(I get them horribly) and he thought I just gave myself an unnecessarily hard time about 'normal drinking habits' (if you can call a regular bottle of wine and 1/4 bottle vodka each a night normal...). I agreed with him that I give myself a really hard time about my drinking but in the end I just hated myself for the way I was and I hated him for refusing to accept it was destroying our health and relationship.
Faced with the prospect of meeting someone new and having to 'fess up to this issue, I wonder how other people have handled it? I have been feeling that I need to find someone who doesn't drink at all or at least minimally and that I need to nail it before I can get into another proper relationship but my fear is that I wont manage to get on top of it or that if I do, I wont sustain it. How do you deal with that?
Sorry, this post is like a problem page letter! Would like to hear there is hope though!