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How is Lefty in Asia doing?
How is Lefty in Asia doing?
Hi I am here! I have traveled through four countries and made it safely through it all. I have made it almost two months with no drinking and few urges. I satisfied my 'urge' twice with non alcoholic becks and that was great. I believe it is the Campral for me. Thanks so much for asking about me! Wondering if you will get this message from me. I can't believe I am feeling so good about this. I got many of the supplements during my travels and found Campral really cheap in India. My daughter is coming to visit in two weeks and I ordered the CD's, Books, and the whole package from the website so am hopeful that I can continue on with my life. My son continues to stay sober as well. I honestly believe that doing this together has made a huge difference. If I have had an urge I have realized how much I would let him down or perhaps cause him to fall off the wagon if I drink. So all in all it has been pretty darn good. I am on a crazy dial up connection that logs out all the time so don't get time to read much of what you all are writing but do enjoy it when I can get on. I like that chart someone posted but doubt I can keep up with it as my internet connection is so poor. I really am doing great and thanks from the bottom of my heart for writing and asking about me! Makes me feel not alone! Lefty
How is Lefty in Asia doing?
also wanted to add that I think the supplements that I got which are all on the list of recommended by MWO are helping me too. We went out for lunch the other day and a friend ordered red wine and it looked pretty darn good but I do feel that it is more out of habit than a real urge... I could relate to what others were saying in some of the threads that I have been catching up on. Sometimes it feels so strange to have a lovely meal with diet coke! But the longer I stay sober the more I realize how many sober people there are. I always think that everyone is drinking everywhere all the time in Asia but it isn't true! Perhaps on some streets in Thailand everyone is but if you don't hang around the night spots you pretty much see normal people doing normal things. I did see some guy pretty smashed the other day and thought there but by the grace of God go I. It wasn't pretty ... I have not cherished anything as much in a very long time as I have my sobriety. Tomorrow night we are having a huge party at our place and there will be plenty of booze but I think I can be a great hostess and not have to be passed out on the sofa! Some of the people who are coming might not ever have seen me sober so I hope they still like me! Cheers from way over here to all of you. Lefty