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    i am so lonely...i am sat here with my dog for company and she is just sleeping, my nan (who i live with) went away for 10 days on Monday and from Monday til today i have had someone each night.

    now no one is here, not even Kristina cos her internet is down. i fear being alone in this house, it is too big for me...this is the kind of time i would turn to drinking, to ease my thoughts...i haven't stopped thinking since i got in this house alone...mad and bad thoughts circling through my head.

    now i know i am going crazy! :upset:

    i need company...i need to be social...
    http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


    Oh Kel, this sucks! do you have a good movie a friend to call?. Or just stay online posting. Hey, since kristina's email is down write a good old fashion love letter. Or any other kind of letter you feel like.
    Stay strong



      A good movie or book sounds good to me! Sorry you're so down. Wake up that dog!
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



        A puzzle always keeps me entertained for hours. Hope you cheer up. I agree with pp,
        wake up the dog and go for a nice walk.



          Yes get out of the house with your dog. Keep coming here certainly aren't alone
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



            lol waking the dog up would just result in a dirty look and her falling back asleep, she is amazingly lazy for a 1 year old puppy :P

            i have been watching TV since i got home from work, and it has just made me slide more cos of course nothing interesting is on.

            i dunno maybe i am just having a bad day, rest of the day was alright at work with the girls (despite the fact i got my arsed smacked constantly)...trying to fight the urge is a difficult task at the minute.

            i could just do with a good cry and a pair of arms to wrap around me and comfort me...
            http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again



              Hey, hope you feel better soon. How about going for a drive, tanning, shopping, get your favorite dessert or cookies from the store.

              Thinking of you,



                Janie: my dog is a Jack Rusell and Border Terrier mix...she is "supposed" to be a hyperactive dog *ponders on that for a minute*

                i wish i could go for a drive but unfourtunately i have no license, and it is too late to go for any kind of walk even to the shops it is too late on a dangerous area.

                and unfourtunately earlier i found out there is a bottle of Bailey's in the cupboard that nan left here...*ties self to chair* i no moving!
                http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again



                  Uh Oh forgot about the time change, plan B how about a hot bath, do your nails, watch late nite TV. Go on chat later, maybe???




                    all good suggestions, but i have tried most of them (not tried nails cos i am not girly enough :P)

                    :upset: :upset: someone come cuddle :upset: :upset:

                    what is wrong with me?!
                    http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again



                      I understand those lonely feelings, nothin' like a drink to cher you up right? Then you need another coz it really didn't help, just got more down. Then a 3rd and so on into the spiral then you start to feel better, coz you're so stoned you can't think straight.

                      I agree with sammys, go have a nice bath with a book, or log onto chat, or just read some more posts, its amazing how much time that takes up and your not drinking.

                      The bonus is feeling better in the morning ... keep it up.



                        Kel Cuddles for you. Right now go to the laughing out loud section of the forum and read them all. They are funny and maybe will lift the clouds



                          Someone must have drugged that dog. My dad has a Jack Russel and I don't think he ever sleeps. Or maybe the dog already found the Bailey's!

                          I'm a cupboard cleaner. Closets, drawers, find something that really needs organized. Put on some upbeat music, sing along. Pick something you like to take along on vacation. That's what I would do. Or Christmas Carols. There ya go! Christmas Carols, the neighbors will think you really lost your marbles! :nutso:

                          Yea, I'm whack-O! But, I guarantee you will feel better and you will have accomplished something, in the mean time! :goodjob:

                          :huggy Hugs

                          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



                            i dunno nothing i seem to be doing seems to be lifting my spirits...i guess i am just in a miserable mood and i am gonna stay this way, i hate when my depression affects me...

                            thank you all xx

                            Kel x
                            http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again



                              Kel, online shopping? It makes me happy.

