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Chicken Soup for Friday, April 20

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    Chicken Soup for Friday, April 20

    I accept that each time I grow or change, somewhere pain will be present. Issues that I may have accumulated over a period of decades I am dealing with in a much shorter time frame. The pain of confronting myself in these ways will be present alongside the joy that I feel. The easiest way to have the joy rests in not denying the pain, which is also a natural part of the process. All change requires a giving up, and this in itself is cause for mourning. It is this giving up, however, that clears the path for change. I know today that I am going through a purification process and though it is not easy, it is deeply worthwhile.
    -Tian Dayton

    In order to unify ourselves we must change, renounce, give ourselves; and this violence to ourselves partakes of pain.
    -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    Chicken Soup for Friday, April 20

    I hear you, I think everytime you post it is worth while for your process. Keep it up.


