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I'm fu23cked
I'm fu23cked
Sleep it off....start again tomorrow with a new attitude, a new goal & new plan. Never give up.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
I'm fu23cked
I admire your honesty and your courage to declare, I don't even have that yet, so always know that in this fight, wherever you are, you are further ahead than someone else. You can do it and you can inspire even when you have a mishap here and there. Stay true!!!!
Love the honesty!!
I'm fu23cked
" The past does not equal the future,
Because you may have fallen a moment ago,
all day today,
or for the last six months,
or for the last sixteen years,
or for the last fifty years of your life
doesn't mean anything.
All that matters is
what are you going to do now?"
(Tony Robbins)
As long as you still have your goal intact then tomorrow is another day - new resolve, same battle, same journey and we're always here. So keep persevering - you CAN and WILL win!:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
I'm fu23cked
Dear Jasmin,
If it makes you feel better, I've been off the wagon a few times this week despite Topa. Not badly, but still ....
Hang in there! That's why we're in it together. Tomorrow's another day. Eventually we'll win the fight!
Hugs from this side of the Pacific rimPaddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
I'm fu23cked
Jasmin, take yourself right back to when you were a baby, crawling around on the floor, then one day you suddenly pull yourself up with the help of a chair, you let go and take your first few steps...ooohh, your hands are flapping, you're a bit unsteady on your feet, suddenly, flop, you fall down on your bottom... Supposing you had just sat there for the rest of your life wondering what to do?? that baby didn't do that, she crawled over to the chair, pulled herself up and started all over again....
Go on, do it, you know you can..
Louise xxA F F L..
Alcohol Free For Life
I'm fu23cked
You have fallen, then the only place to look is up. Up we go! You can do this my friend; a misstep on a road of a thousand steps. Look at the Positives you didn't hurt anyone(but yourself) and your alive to start again. I'll be pulling for you. I know you have some new and exciting things to look forward to that Will change your life