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Importance of Supplements

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    Importance of Supplements

    Just as someone who has been here off and on for a year, I have an observation that I'd like to share. Although I am currently going to AA (abstinence), I think this program works incredibly well with abstinence and the supplements are crucial.

    When I first tried this program with moderation, it worked well for awhile but topamax/moderation didn't work for me...however, the rest of the program works well and the supplements are very important.

    I quit drinking this time without the use of supplements, and I am having many issues with hypoglycemia. (low blood sugar..craving sweets, headaches in morning and afternoon, faintness, irritability) I am going to go back to the course of supplements recommended in this book because when I followed this program last year and had a period of abstinence, I didn't have any blood sugar issues. Just wanted to let you guys know because there are often questions on here regarding do I need to use this or that...and I think it is a very good idea or you may set yourself up for drinking again.

    Take care.


    Importance of Supplements

    Thank you Jen for your wisdom. I really appreciate it! I have noticed a huge diff with the supps as well. Great to hear you are doing so well! Gina


      Importance of Supplements

      Hey Jen!

      What a nice surprise to see you here today Many of us who've been here awhile have been wondering if you'd bless us with your presence some day again.

      How glad I am to here you're going to AA, I know it's hard to start. I would love to here your story either on the abstinence forum or privately. Moderation/Topa is not possible for me anymore so I am abstinent as well. So glad we can have the discussion without criticism here. Please check in with me soon. Your experience is so valuable Jen.


