I am 38 yrs old and we already have a 4 yr old son. We have been trying for another, for 3 years. I have gone through some treatments to no avail, and was finally told that results of blood tests show that I am approaching menopause- Very young! I was also told that even if I was to conceive, it is very un-likely that I will have a successful pregnancy, due to old eggs!!! So thats the situation. As you can imagine, I am very anxious and waiting to miscarry! I have to wait for 3 weeks to have a scan, as there might not even be anything there! Who knows. For the last 2 and a half years, this whole issue has been all consuming and depressing. It is only in the last 6 months that I had finally accepted I was un-able to conceive. God works in mysterious ways!
I have stopped the drinking and now stopped the smoking aswell. oh and I've stopped the caffeine too. Talk about clean living!!! But, in a way, I think it will be easier to do this as I have a good reason now. And, I know this is negative, but if this comes to nothing, at least I can have a fag!!! And a drink!!!
Anyway, Lots of love to you all. Bella xxxx