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what to do

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    what to do

    As some of you lovely ladies I was talking to in chat know, I shared some information about my sisters last night. Do I feel guilty about that? No. A breif rundown for the rest then my question. My oldest sister (was not raised with us so we really don't speak) has been diagnosed with lupus graves disease and rhumertory arthritis. She is only 54. A concern of course. Baby Sister 33 told me yesterday she had a one night stand with her best friends husband. Not really a surprise there, her husband tends to neglect her and this guy way was coming on strong. She said she ended it immediatley. I belive her; she has 2 kids and would die if they found out. But she now has to live with what she did and the potential the other man could tell.Then we get to the sister who is really troubling me we are 21 months apart Not at all close.Talk once a year at best. But she talks often to the baby sister, who told me all of this yesterday. Well this last sister who I wll call S. has turned into a promiscuious (SP) woman. It is her business, but she has a 17 year old son that sees his Mom being brought home by a perfect stranger after a night of partying. She told my baby sister rather proudly that she just had oral sex with a 28 year old man in a parking lot. She is 44. I fear for her life and reputation. This would kill my Mom. She tells my Mom that her middle son picks he up from the bars, as I learned yesterday that is not the case. My point; I was sexually molested at the ages of 5 and 9 by 3 different people. We were so close to the same age and never apart it had to happened to her as well. She says she can't remember anything except from age 11. I think this is what is prompting this behaviour. Her ex-husband also died 2 years ago from a sudden heart attack. They were very close even after the divorce. I think this may be why she is acting out. Baby sister has sworn me to silence for fear her own secret coming out. They have the goods on each other. I want to get her S help. I also want to take guardianship of her 17 year old son. He has severe ADD. She won't put him on medication and she let him drop out of school. He is a good kid, He could be terrible because he has no supervision. I guess I'm asking what do you think I should do? It would crush my Mom to find out these things about my sisters. But change has to happen. and My Dad always called me his problem child!! SHeeesh. I am glad he's not here to see his favorite S and the way she is behaving! My Mom tells me she belives me about the molestations,but says otherwise to my sisters. So S may be afraid to tell her. I also worry about someone saying something to her oldest son who is 23 about his Mom as the frequent hte same bars. He has a very quick temper and could be in some trouble if this comes about. That's my trouble for the weekend. How about Yours?

    Lighter note : Ladies I so enjoyed talking with you all last night I just have to learn to read and type at the same time. Muti-tasking Not my thing. So bear with me as I learn. Typing this just took me 40 minutes.

    Lov & Smiles

    what to do

    WOW Mar, that's a lot for one post....very sad for you. S needs help...I think probably several comtributing factors...but, taking her child might send her over the edge. Is there anyway you can sit her down for a heart to heart?


      what to do

      Luv, if I do that she will confront baby and spill the beans on her. It is a no win here. I'm afraid. She is going to self destruct.( the baby swore me to silence,)


        what to do

        Mary....I think you can only share YOUR story about what happened to YOU and how you got some help to get past it. If you focus on THAT, then maybe she would open up to you about her childhood.
        Let her know that you love her and that if she needs to talk, you'll be there....

        As for "fixing" our families.......
        "We should resign as master of the universe...."
        Its way too stressful a job and one we are not equipped to do.
        Oh, and pray for them. He IS master of the universe!

        :h Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10

