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Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

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    Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!


    It all started on day 2 when my boss invited me to her house to join the girls for even 1 quick beer. We usually do that every week or two which is always a rare fun time for us to connect away from the stresses of kids in the caffeteria. (We are "lunch ladies" ha ha)
    I made a bogus excuse that my hubby and I have a "special" date before the kids get home from school and they bought it even though a beer sounded good... Not really great though because the Kudzu (1 in morning, 1 at 1:00 and 1 around 2:30 peek craving time)
    When I got home on this hot sunny aft. my hubby was enjoying a nice cold beer and cleaning smelts. I truely didn't feel like one so I brewed a hot apple tea. I felt so free and proud of myself. That night when going to bed, my head was clear, my stomach was happy and I was looking so forward to the next day. Well, today hubby, myself and our 2 labs headed for camp... BIG TEST !!! I usually can't even remember as a rule what I've even eaten for supper until I see the dirty plates next day. Bad Eh !?!???
    Well hubby packed himself some beers and I packed a light snack (only went for the afternoon to spring clean a bit) We drove right past the beer store and went into the grocery store where I bought my favourite pop.. Diet orange crush. We had a wonderful day and I just wanted to share this story with ya'll . Sorry it's so wordsy, but I can't believe how the new found freedom feels. Thank-You all from the bottom of my heart!
    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend all !:thanks:
    "It's day five and it's great to be alive" !!

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

    Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

    It is great are great, keep it up!


      Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

      Hi Niblet, I just wanted to say "Well Done!!!"



        Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

        That's great! Savor the moment, file it & recall it whenever you have that urge. The world awaits you!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!



            Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

            Hey Niblet,

            I liked your story a lot. I know how good it feels just to be able to say no for ONE day, when you have been unable to say no for so many days beforehand. It is such a feeling of accomplishment from such a seemingly small thing. We all know what that feels like.
            Well done and Im glad you enjoyed your time cleaning up camp.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

              Niblet, well done!!!

              Yes it feels really good doesn't it!!!!!


                Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

                That is great Niblet, and by the way, I am dying for an Orange Crush right now- thanks a LOT! :H
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

                  Niblet, thank you for sharing. You let us all know that it can be done. You just have to be in the right frame of mind and sounds like you are!!! Well done.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!


                    Hey Niblet - fabulous to hear your excitement - it's funny how creative we've been in the past to hide our drinking - now all that creativity can be put to good use as we avoid it altogether! Many congratulations on your hurdle hopping! Looking forward to hearing about the next one! :goodjob:
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

                      Great Job niblet, I fell this weekend and I am so happy that you didn' day me tooooo:upset:


                        Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

                        Niblet's 5 days

                        :goodjob: Niblet!!! I'm new here and only on day 2 but I'm so glad to hear you made it through some pretty strong "triggers". Well Done! Keep up the good work...


                          Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

                          well done

                          well done niblet, I too was so good AF all weekend....first time for me in a long long time.


                            Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

                            Well done Niblet, the last line of your post says it all

                            I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW THE NEW FOUND FREEDOM FEELS....

                            Isn't it a wonderful feeling ?? To get up every morning and feel like that is fantastic, and you're right, it is a new found freedom....

                            Louise xx
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              Jumping LOTS of hurdles these last 4 days!!!

                              Niblet, great stuff, thanks for posting... inspiring.

                              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

