Good to see yiz GG and Mollers! How was the holliers Mollers?
I hear you?re getting bad storms over the pond. Not sure if Scotland got hit but I?m just about to call me Ma so I?m sure I?ll be finding out?
I hope you get your back sorted Sweety? a sore back will put a damper on things every time.
Satzy? you been drinking enough water? I used to do the crackling with the salt rub to remove excess moisture like Mollers does. Can?t get a decent piece of crackling over here tho? :upset:
Yoooo Hoooooo to a?body else!
I spent the weekend masking & painting, moving furniture to enable masking & painting, and cleaning up mess. My bedroom is done though? walls, trim, doors? and the new doors are done both sides plus the trim around them. The new doors took 2 of us from late morning and all afternoon yesterday to do with only a wee break for lunch? noightmare.
Now on to painting the the rest of the house? argh! I might start on my bathroom today if I can muster up the energy.
Any good painters in the Army that fancy a working holiday in Florida?!

Buttered cabbage, turnip and roast spuds mmmmmmm !!
Apple sponge and Vanilla cream for dessert.
Mother dearest is here on sofa in a coma :H