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Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

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    Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

    Well as some as you know yesterday was a test fro me went to 2 our our beautiful Virginia vineyards. I did alright. I had 3 glasses of chardonnay over 4 hours with plenty of water. But the promblem I don't think I can drink that much any more that made me light headed. Old days 3 bottles would be more accurate with let's go get margaritas afterward. I have told you that I am a no carb eater. So I had a little of the cheeses we packed harvarti,chevre, gormandise. brie ans a apricot stilton. Doing Ok still stop for dinner have water and try to as much as I can vegeterian. So no vegeterian entree availble You gussed it another cheese plate. $ 15.00 for as much cheese a child could hold in thie palm,oh well came on gt on chat was talking with my pals Luv and EX, well. I guess I am now lactose intolerant. I felt like Meg Ryan in that movie French Kiss. I ate a cow it felt like. I hurriedly left the boards good thing the powder room is close by. That's all I 'll say about that. So I'm up at 3am grabbing some lean protein because I didn't eat enough yesterday only the cheses. I'm trying to get ready swmsuit season. We went to dinner the other night when I came out of the restroom the waitress was flirting with my husband. She looked to be 22. I'm 45. Lts's go over this again 22/45 22/45. So kicking the dieting into high gear. things were learned yesterday I cannot really have more than 2 white wine spritzers without feeling lightheaded. and secondly don't mix your chesses. Can't say enough about the later.
    It wasn't the wine,these were small glasses, I am a light weight now and proud of it !lghtweight in the drinking sense and the cheese area too. I didn't do bodily harm either no broken bones. Just a little broken pride as I had to rush of the boards to leave dear LUV behind. Do my thing,then lie down. So How was your day? Today were shopping!!
    A new rug for the foyer. I think I like that better and sushi for lunch. NO CHEESE THERE!
    Smiles as always

    Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

    Love the recount :H - and glad your day went so well in many respects - moderating on wine and cheese though? - just the thought brings tears to the eyes. Glad the powder room was close by when you needed it Many congrats on the minimal wine drinking, though - by the way, did you enjoy just the 3 spritzers, or were you wishing it could be more? One of my problems is that if I have one or two it's then a battle not to carry on with one or two bottles so it's easier if I don't have any...

    22/45, 22/ what've they got that we haven't?! (I'm 46) Wrinkles, cellulite, greying hair, pull of gravity definitely winning in all places - what's not to love?? - aghhh - I'mm off for face lift and liposuction!

    Or maybe, just maybe I'm going to have to convince myself that I have an inner beauty and that middle age brings with it a 'ripening', that I get better with age just like a good wine or cheese???? Hmmmm? no, can't convince myself - off for the facelift!

    Take care, and WELL DONE!
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

      Arial you make me smile. The day was good, no I didn't want any more wine my husband said I didn't drink as much as I thought I did. As for the day it was sweet we lay on the ground with the picnic and he read to me we toasted everyone at MWO that they get to whatever goal they want. In particular Bella, that she have a beautiful healthy child,LuvUAll, that she find love again and Elizabeth that she feels accepted among us and Exsitence that she love herself. Then wouldn't you know who just happens to be there the waitress. Miss 22 (Carrie) she said hello a breif second. Then I thought is she stalking my husband. Girl I'm telling you I have done it all lipo,mini face lift, restylane botox injections color the hair. Still can't keep up. Now it's the dieting. OH SHEESH!! Luv and I were a pair in chat with my little wine glow (or buzz) and gurgling tummy and her newly on topa. Conversation was a little slow to say the least but all in all a good day. I am glad to say I am a no more than 2 spritzer gal! That in itself is amazing!!!
      You have a good day to Arial

      At least I have my charming personality...Uhmmm Right


        Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

        Hi Simey -my husband left me for an older, fatter woman - where does that leave me???:H Don't suppose the arguments, pressure of work, - and the drinking - had anything to do with it at all?!!

        Think the 'bikini' might have to be replaced by the all-in-one this year - actually used to live in the Middle East and the women swam in their abayas (the black robes that cover them head to foot?) - for the sake of others on the beach maybe that's the way to go!

        Oh sod it - let it all hang out and enjoy life, that's what I say!
        Glad you had such a warm, fuzzy day with hubby - Happy Sunday!
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

          Hi there, hope you don't mind me butting in here.
          Firstly, I am glad your day was so wonderful, simey.
          Secondly, on the point of younger women, a couple of years ago I was with agirl of 20; I was 38. She was gorgeous; she was soooo immature and vacuous. Give me a more mature, thoughtful woman capable of intelligent conversation any day of the week.

          Sounds to me from the picnic, the kind words, the toast to your friends that your man pretty much only has eyes for you. Superb!!!!

          Have a good day ladies.



            Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

            Mar, that is a lovely story about yesterday, Well done .....

            I had a similar experience with drinking last night, some good friends (who are heavy drinkers) came round and we opened the fist bottle at 7pm and they didn't leave till 1.30am!!! The bottles were flowing very freely and I just managed to sip slowly all night, previously I've always been the one asleep on the sofa by 11 o clock, but I can actually remember the whole evening!!!!!!

            If feels good doesn't it!!!!


              Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

              Raoul, you darling little thing, You will have to be careful now as every woman over 40 will be on their way to Scotland to look you up.Thank you so much for you sweet words.
              Big Smile


                Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                Way to go Simey ! Good Job !
                Now you are making new memories to remember . Proud of you !

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                  I am moving to Scotland...HA HA...


                    Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                    Told you Raoul. Lisa gets what Lisa want too! (ha ha)


                      Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                      Hi Janie, Yes I remember that feeling, Lying in bed, scared to get up to see the reaction!!!

                      Feels much better now


                        Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                        Oh betty, I'm glad your evening went well. It really is good to wake up and remember exactly what you did the night before, Even if it was running into the bathroom every 20 minutes ( laugh here) I'm proud of you Boopster, and always jealous of that wardrobe.!!


                          Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                          well done Mum, i knew you could hack it i'm proud of you
                          http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                            Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                            WooHoo!!My first thought this morning when i woke up was woner how Mar did with the vineyard trip! I am soglad that it went so well.
                            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                              Mytrip to the vineyard by Mary

                              Yes, even though I feel I am sleeping my life away, better than waking up not knowing what I did and feeling like crap.

