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Sat Here Sobbing

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    Sat Here Sobbing

    i am sat here sobbing...i need a damn drink..i know this isn't a relationship site but i need help. as most of you have probably twigged i am a lesbian who is in a relationship with a woman who lives on the other side of the world to me. we have dated (online) for a year now (only six weeks offline at the start of the relationship)

    i do still love her, and her internet has been down recently and i am not missing her, i am stepping back and lookng and realising that she takes me for granted. when i got attacked and needed her she wasn't even there for me...just been reading some letters she sent me and i started to sob...

    i don't know what to do, i love her, i don't want to lose her...but it feels like a dead-end relationship at the minute and i haven't seen her since Monday and up until now i haven't really thought about her a lot...

    can anyone please help me:upset:
    (if i do not answer straight away it is because i am with "family")
    http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again

    Sat Here Sobbing

    Whewww girl......take a deep breath...

    You had a six week relationship and it sounds like she had a six week fling.

    I am straight as straight can be so I don't really "get" the girl girl thing...

    All I can say is love yourself enough to move on and look for a healthy relationship.... they are out there...
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Sat Here Sobbing

      Hello there, i am so sorry youre miserable. Im not great on giving relationship advice but i do know that having a drink or 10 will only make you more miserable. i talk from experience! I hope you can try and be strong, eat chocolate or do something that will get you through this tricky moment. It will pass and you will be so pleased with yourself and proud for resisting.. Bella xxx


        Sat Here Sobbing

        Regardless of gender... all relationships are hard work! *sigh*

        Try to focus on you. Do things that make you feel good and for now, accept a huge big cyber hug fro me.

        Doo *hug*
        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          Sat Here Sobbing

          Hi existence ...........

          Please keep posting here, no matter how bad you feel we are all there for you, and I can understand that your relationship is tough with your partner being so far away!! You mentioned on another post that you have met some one else but don't want to be unfaithfull to your partner .... Sorry to be harsh, but to me, now seems a good time to move on, someone that can be here with you may help you more ....

          Love ya honey,


            Sat Here Sobbing

            i met someone but the relationship there would be harder then with Kris :P we do love each other and have been together for a year now...i guess things and situations have changed, she's changed, i've changed...i have no clue what she is thinking cos of her net situation but i am tempted to write to her the old fashioned way..i know her address offhand anyway.

            thanks for all your support
            Kel xx
            http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


              Sat Here Sobbing

              write that letter the old fashion way honey, put all your heart soul and energy in it. Then hold onto it for a couple of days if you still miss her like crazy mail it and wait for her to reply. If you don't miss her burn it and view it as a true end to the relationship stop taking her calls and email. You deserve the best, and true comfort will not come from a drink. I think the world of you kel!!!


                Sat Here Sobbing

                simeybear;126154 wrote: I think the world of you kel!!!
                i know you do mum, i know you do

                trying to write it but i am stuck for words...dunno whether to go in the direction of " i miss you" or "it is over" or somewhere in the middle...

                i wish you could call me Mum, i really do..
                love you xx
                http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                  Sat Here Sobbing

                  Can you call your girlfriend? How far away is she? :h
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    Sat Here Sobbing

                    my girlfriend is in Canada i am in England we are over 3000 miles away from one another. she did have a phone but it got cut unfourtunately i can't call her...i wish i could
                    http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                      Sat Here Sobbing

                      Kel honey, You can put both in it, I miss you , but I can't see where this going. Baby, not to be mean if she can't keep her phone on how can she keep up with a long distance relationship. You deserve the best ; You are not an after thought. you are a very special valued person. She she be more considerate of you. Yes I am slightly biased. You are so caring and kind.


                        Sat Here Sobbing


                        Can I be your 2nd mum..... I',m in the UK so you can call me?? PM if you want to talk and i'll give you my number ..

                        Betts xx


                          Sat Here Sobbing

                          Kel, betty is a good egg, trust me on this.


                            Sat Here Sobbing

                            lol, lots of new mum's

                            just remember though Betty, Mary is my "real" Mum xx
                            http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                              Sat Here Sobbing

                              I know....

                              Mar is your real mum, but i'm closer, My heart really goes out to you love .... I'm here if you need me sweetheart xx

