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Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

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    Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

    Jenneh's stories gave me this idea. So I'm startin with those copied and pasted and you guys add your topa dopa dumb drama's to the thread and we can let Marcie be the Queen Judge and there can be a winner and there can be a prize and everything!!! :rollin :rollin :rollin
    The rules????? We'll just think em up as we go.
    Add as many as you like!

    Ok...first story from Jenneh:
    I was just trying to sign into this site - I mean, I sign into this site everyday about maybe 10-20 times (yeah I know...) and I was typing in - and couldnt figure out why it wasent working......
    Yesterday afternoon, I called my hubby and asked him what we were going to "dig" for supper. LOL
    Hey - I dont feel the dopa today though. Could my system be getting used to it already (day 3 - started it monday)

    Welcome to DOPALAND!!

    Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

    Great thread!! Can't wait to hear the responses!


      Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

      I have has several topa dopa dumb stuff. All no biggie tho. Probably the most recent was at the Docs office last Friday and I called the doc "doctor whats his toes" to the nurse for not commin up with his name and then this Monday I was bookin flights and you know the confirmation numbers how they have all those letters in it. Well ya know how ya do like "B" as in boy and 'N" as in nancy......well when I got the the letter "P"........all I could think of was..............poop.
      the airline lady laughed. gabby


        Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

        I'm really sorry, but I can't remember any of my topa dopa moments, although I vaguely remember that I have them.



          Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

          ok....I did something else and I can't believe no one else wants to play this game but me and Jenneh.
          A kid who's dad has been out of town who just got back--Instead of me saying," so your dads back" -- I said, "Is your dad still lost"?
          I know its stupid and you dont have to laugh if you dont want to. :rolleyes
          I did tho. Gabby


            Topa Dopa Dumb Thread


            I'm SERIOUS!!! I know I have topa dopa moments, especially when I'm in the middle of one! But for the life of me, I honestly can't remember any of them now!! Didn't mean to spoil your game!!



              Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

              HAHAAHAHAH Gabby! I love it!
              This morning I told my hubby - This weekend we should go to the lake! I need a new bathroom suit!"
              Gross. :rollin


                Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                This isn't mine but I'll speak for Becca here, I'm she won't mind because it is so dopa cute. She was putting on her kids shoes (or socks?) and they weren't fitting and her kid said what will we do? And she said don't worry honey we'll go to the store and get you some new feet! :rollin

                Or was it Allie? :lol I'm so topa can't even remember who told the dang story.


                  Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                  It was ME!! HA HA!! I was just going to post that because that sticks out in my mind as what must be one of my dopa dumbest moments! Who knows if it was topa induced or just general distraction or what.... but I wasn't drinkin!
                  Yup, my 4 year old was complaining because his shoes were tight. We were in the car. I said "don't worry, honey, we'll just stop by Kohl's on the way home and get you some new feet"
                  "NEW FEET??? MOMMY!!!!"
                  He was mortified!!!
                  "Mommy meant new SHOES, honey, new shoes"

                  Good one, Patty!


                    Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                    LOL!!!!!!!! That is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rollin


                      Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                      Jennah, Patty and Becca, all that is hilarious. Its ok Kathy if you dont remember anything. Just remember soon as a topa dopa dumb thing happens run to your computer no matter where you are and post it.
                      And also could someone reply to this so it doesnt just look like I just talk to my own posts on the board. I mean I do talk to myself a lot but I dont want anyone to know that. :
                      Yes, I am a very healthy person and I dont care what anyone thinks of me. I have no hang ups and no addictions. So just make a post and thank you in advance so I dont have to start over. gabby


                        Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                        It is fortunate that I was a bit of a strainer brain before this, because my clients are only noticing that I am slightly more loopy than usual, so we can laugh about it. I do laugh when I forget what I am saying in mid sentence, and I try to remember to say that I had a "brain freeze" instead of a "brain fart" when I tell them.: I'll try to remember better when these things happen to me, because they really are funny!!

                        Your story is cute, Becca!! Your poor son!! Kids do take these things so literally. At least with us adults, we do know what the other person MEANT, even if it came out wrong, and get a good laugh out of it!!:lol



                          Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                          This isn't that funny, per se, but it sure does illustrate how much you can lose track of things on topa!! I see a couple for therapy on Saturday mornings. I see him for 30 minutes, then her for 30 minutes, and then we all come back for about 50 minutes. It's been working really great.

                          Well, this morning, we ran over on each of their individual times a little. The joint session was going well. I looked at the clock, and we had about 5 minutes left. Things were going good, so I decided to let it go on for an extra 10 minutes or so. The next time I looked at the clock, we had run over by ONE HOUR Obviously I can concentrate so well that I no longer have any idea what time it is!!!!

                          They were horrified, and wanted to pay me more money, but we worked it out that I would bill for a session for him next week, even though he will be out of town.

                          Also, in the last two days, I have lost a pair of reading glasses (cheap ones, but I like them ), and my prescription bi-focals>: >: >: I can't remember where I went, so I don't know where to go back to look for them!!! Oh wait, maybe I do! I'll provide an update later, if I remember!

                          These aren't funny, but they sure do quality for topa dopa experiences!!! I hope I can find a few ones that are worthy of some chuckles soon!!!


                          Okay---posted later that found the reading glasses, but I have also called everywhere where I was that morning, no one has found my RX glasses. I guess I'll have to go get new ones! I'm reallly due for an eye exam and etc., anyway, so I guess this is the universe's way of seeing that I look after myself!:P


                            Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                            Okay, I found my cheap reading glasses, at least.


                              Topa Dopa Dumb Thread

                              Kathy, I am so glad you found your cheap reading glasses. :lol

