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What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

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    What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

    Hi Guys,

    I know it's depends on the situation and the different people asking. But what excuses do ppl generally use when asked for a drink. For example, have ppl got a quick fire response to generalised situations. Like a new work colleague asking you for a drink is usually fine because I would say "No thanks" but then it usually comes up from some nosey parker later who would ask "how come you don't drink.." what do you say then?

    Also, I was pressed and pressed by a very senior person at my work to have a glass of champagne to celebrate but I just kept saying "no thanks.." Is there something that would have shut her up without me telling her I'm an alchoholic?

    Of course it's quite easy with close friends and family now because I just say "I'm an alcoholic" but for those ppl who don't know you I wonder sometime if I could find a cleaner, smoother reply than "No thanks...."

    56 Days (Thank you Mr Campral)

    What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

    Hi David,
    Well done for 56 days. Excellent!
    I just say that I don't want to drink.
    It felt a little awkward to start with, but now the words just roll off my tongue and I find myself a little amused at the dumb expressions that sometimes follow.


      What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

      Thanks Popeye.

      Yeah it's weird how ppl look at you like your some type of leper... It just shows how ingrained it is in our western society for everyone to drink you know... Very worrying.



        What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

        Hi Dave, yes especially in Aussie society hey. I'm a bit luckier being female they don't push to hard but they do look at you like you have two heads or something. I say I'm on a health kick sometimes, or doctors orders. Early start need a clear head, big project on they often work short of that i have been given the spanish inquestion by some people. It really amazes me how some people just can't mind their own business and accept that people make their own choices for themselves and don't need to explain to all and sundry. Good luck mate it does get easier. Kim
        Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


          What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

          The old ... "I'm on antibiotics" ... works well.


            What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

            You could try saying, no thanks, I'm on a bit of a detox diet at the moment, or, I've got chronic indigestion/heart burn so am cutting out alcohol for a while, or use my reason which is, no thanks I don't drink, and look them straight in the eye as you say it... I have found its usually the people who have a problem with alcohol themselves who will try to persuade you to have a drink..

            Congratulations on 56 days AF as well, thats good..

            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

              Isn't it amazing how uncomfortable other people feel if you're not drinking?! - In fact twice I've had a couple of drinks to make them feel better and less awkward - how weak is that?? - Feeling more confident now, so have used a variety of excuses as mentioned above. Have now got to the point where I'm comfortable saying 'No thanks, I don't drink' (though took a while to get to that point). BTW - 56 days - Awesome job!
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days


                What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

                The truth, I no longer perfer alchohol as a beverage; But please you go ahead!


                  What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

                  Depends on the circumstances -

                  Humour works a lot of the time:

                  As a male I often tell folk I am pregnant if they ask why I don't want a drink.
                  If they don't believe me (and strangely, sometimes they don't!) - I then tell them
                  "OK the real reason is that if I drink, the voices tell me to do BAD things!!!"
                  or "the doctor says I am down to my second last brain cell so I thought I had better give it a chance for survival"
                  Folk usually give up at this stage as they realise they are not going to get any sense out of me (nothing new there then!!!)

                  Doesn't work in formal situations like work etc. - there I just tell folks that I am in a health / fitness thing right now and am cutting down on alcohol.

                  Other times when pressed, I have just told the truth "I was becoming uncomfortable with the amount of alcohol I have been drinking lately and have decided to cut it out for a while"

                  Whatever - it gets easier every time - although I don't know why we should have to justify our decision not to drink to anyone.

                  Take care

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

                    I have a problem with an inability to lie well -- so I say "I'm not drinking -- I decided it can't be a bad thing to drink less and it sure can't hurt my weight." (Just FYI - I'm always on guard about the 10 lbs. I need to lose).
                    Mama T.
                    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                      What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

                      People are just hilarious arent they?

                      I have said.....and this was the truth even when I DID drink....and that was.....I dont like Champange. It has a funny effect on me and you might have to call 911. Are you prepared for that?
                      Gabby :flower:


                        What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

               and I would get along well.

                        You could always lean over and whisper in their ear and say softly......
                        Gabby :flower:


                          What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

                          Hi David ..... and your respondents too!

                          :new: Hello everyone too!

                          I haven't drank for 3 yrs, struggled last 4 mths, largely thro pressure like you say, "go on just have one, what's up with yer?" type stuff.

                          In fact sometimes now I just say, at your peril , go ahead mix me with white wine, I am an instant psycho....... usually makes people laugh, thing is they do not know that I am NOT joking! Life is such a drinking culture these days, the vision of being so cool drinking wine etc.... at the dinner parties, getting hammered on nites out etc.... no one knows how quickly it grabs you, only you and I who have been there.

                          This is my first time on this site, you all sound so lovely, the common bond being we are "special people" with a "special problem".

                          I have to say not having a drink for 3 yrs and then kidding myself I can drink in moderation is not the thing that we all think it would be. I missed alcohol every day of those 3 yrs, but it is JUST as crap as it was then in my darkest days, before I did Rehab.

                          Alcohol will take everything good from our lives........ it has started again clawing me back, already taking my self esteem away. Up to now, I have managed to keep my relapse a secret mainly, but I KNOW deep down I am kidding myself.

                          I hope my experience of my relapse may help any other "special" people who may consider going back.... believe me it's no good at all.

                          I would also like opinions on Campral, does anyone out there really think it works? I tried it 3 yrs ago, I didn't think it did. I was on Antabuse for a while........ to me though that is ENFORCED sobriety, not self will and common sense, please let me know your thoughts.

                          Im really pleased to have found this site, to find you all. I am sincerely looking forward to chatting with you.

                          xxx Julia xxx (Actually, Im not too sure how this site works yet, if I send this, will I be able to see the replies????????????? Derr.......... Im such a thicko, sorry.... xxx )


                            What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

                            i want to get to a point where i can say "no thans i don't drink" i am stillstruggling badly...i have gone a few days at the most before i cave...not drank for 4 days now...and i am craving hard!

                            i hope that one day i get to the point of just being honest...
                            http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                              What do you say when ppl ask you for a drink?

                              :welcome: Hi Julia, and welcome. Glad you joined us. Not glad your one of us "special people" but glad you joined us.
                              Look forward to corsponding. :l
                              Gabby :flower:

