I know it's depends on the situation and the different people asking. But what excuses do ppl generally use when asked for a drink. For example, have ppl got a quick fire response to generalised situations. Like a new work colleague asking you for a drink is usually fine because I would say "No thanks" but then it usually comes up from some nosey parker later who would ask "how come you don't drink.." what do you say then?
Also, I was pressed and pressed by a very senior person at my work to have a glass of champagne to celebrate but I just kept saying "no thanks.." Is there something that would have shut her up without me telling her I'm an alchoholic?
Of course it's quite easy with close friends and family now because I just say "I'm an alcoholic" but for those ppl who don't know you I wonder sometime if I could find a cleaner, smoother reply than "No thanks...."
56 Days (Thank you Mr Campral)