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Passing away

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    Passing away

    Hi GG,
    I wish you and your family well.
    I'm 45 and I lost my last grandparent in 1980.


      Passing away

      Dear GG, I am working on a school paper tonight, and came across this quote
      "The more absolute death seems
      The more authentic life becomes" by John Fowles
      Because of the love you shared with your grandparents, there was authentic life and love to be shared, and passed on to others. Because your grandparents lived so fully for you, you live fully too. Sending hugs, and strength for the days to come.
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        Passing away

        Thank you all so much; I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes reading all your words. It really warms my heart knowing that you are all here. Thank you again all so very very much.



          Passing away

          GG, I was very very close to my grandparents on my mums side, we only lived two minutes away from them, and i was there everyday.....I was'nt there when my nana died which devastated me, but i was there when my grandad passed he was in my arms and he was holding my hand, a memory i will never forget.....I was about 5 months pregnant on my 4th child, i believe they live on in my children...and now and again i can smell their scent so i know they are always with me. Everytime i was pregnant i lost someone very close to me......I know exactly what your going through GG i'm sending you lots of love and hugs, so sorry for your loss.....
          Love Lisa XX :l
          Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


            Passing away


            Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away
            into the next room. I am i, and you are you.
            Whatever we were to eachother, that we still are.
            Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in
            the easy way you always used. Put no difference
            into your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or
            sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little
            jokes we enjoyed. Play, smile, think of
            me. Pray for me. Let my name be the household
            name it always was. Let it be spoken without the
            shadow of a ghost in it. Life means all that it ever
            meant. It is the same as it ever was. What is death
            but a negligible accident. Why should i be out of
            your mind because i am out of your sight. All is
            well, nothing is lost. One brief moment and all
            will be as it was before.

            Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


              Passing away

              GG;126330 wrote:

              It got me thinking about everything. There are moments in your life that set the course on who you're going to be; sometimes they're big moments, sometimes they're not. No one expects the big moments when they happen, not really. Even when you see them coming. So, are we helpless? Do we not have any control over our lives, we do. The big moments are going to come, whether we are ready or not. It's what we do afterwards that determines who we are. Sometimes no amount of time will heal all wounds, but getting up everyday determined to make this day better then the one before; that is golden. That is what makes us great.
              Hiya GG

              First of all i am really sorry to hear of your loss..

              I lost my Grandad in February..Reading the part of your post that i quoted really struck a cord with me, and i could'nt agree more..I new my Grandad was very ill...But i was'nt ready..
              I want more time...I dreamt about him on Sunday night..I walked into his living room and sat down with him to watch the football..He asked me what the score was? ( my Grandad was a little deaf) so i shouted 5-1...But he could'nt hear me...5-1 i shouted....The next morning Lisa asked me why i was shouting 5-1 in my sleep..
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Passing away

                Just got back from the bookies now...First time ever...Just put ?3 on Utd to win 5-1 tonight at odds of 66/ never know...My Grandad did like a flutter.
                I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                  Passing away

                  I just found out my grandfather and grandmother had absolutely no savings; he does not qualify for the benefits as he started a few years after so they will only get a few hundred dollars for his burial. I sent my Nan $1,000 to help with everything. I'm glad I am going home for the summer so I can do something really nice for her and she can see the baby again. Last time I was home we went out for a nice fancy lunch; the the spa and I took her shopping for her 25year highschool reunion. I bought her outfit for her. This time, my mom is going too and we're going to have a woman's day! Dining, shopping, massages... and the whole deal.

