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Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

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    Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

    I'll start by saying i've had a few wines tonight. I feel i need them. I am not in a good place right now. If somebody offered me 10cents for my life, I'd probably take it. By that, i mean the practical aspects of my life, where i live, my emotional state, my job etc. In my darkest moments, i actually almost wish i could swap my "life" (existance) with somebody who truly deserves to live, like somebody who is terminally ill.

    Anyway, which brings me to the point. I am so desperately unhappy with my life that i feel like just walking away from it, which encompasses everything including my family photos (all past stuff, im not functional enough to have my own family), and almost all my physical possessions. I'd probably only hang on to a few things.

    I've thought about storage options, but it seems silly to pay for storage, when i should just let go.

    Today, i did a big clean out, hoping to make my possessions lighter. I threw out a lot of things, including most of my parent's wedding photos. Figured their marriage didn't last, so why keep most of their momentos? I know they personally wouldn't care.

    Only problem is, it hasn't made my load lighter. I look around and i'd still have too much stuff to carry if i moved house, (and i will be in the near future as my sanity depends on it). The only answer i can come up with is to shed almost all of it, but i can't bear to part with some of it. It's not that i use it, it's just the thought of knowing it's there that appeals to me.

    I don't know why i've posted, just to vent my conflict about shedding stuff while still maintaining memories.

    Oh yeah, and the worst thing is that there are very few people who would care if i went, or died. Most of them just pretend. Im being realistic, that is true. We all have to face our own truths sometimes.

    Feeling pretty down and actually, i'd trade my life in for a reasonable facsimile of one. I've made so many life decisions that have resulted in me being VERY isolated, on many levels. I feel bad, cos i blamed my parents, when really it was me all along. I am a shit human being
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

    Hi Change

    We all have shit in our lives and it depends on what we decide to do with that shit that makes a difference in our lives.

    Why do/did we drink to take away the pain. Did it help us at the end of the day. Yes and no.

    Its hard, truly hard when AL is our only friend.

    I am lucky I have my children who i adore unconditionally. I have my mum who i love to death and tolerate. You have to think of the positives in life, we only get one, that is it and as much as i have thought i would be better off not here, i think i am a long time deader (so not such a word).

    Try and stay positive and tomorrow is another day.

    How isolated are you exactly? I have isolated myself from friends and family also but they love you, never forget that.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

      Change, your name is such a positive, optimistic one; it's heartbreaking that you feel the way you do at the moment. I remember from past posts that you were unhappy about where you lived - unhappiness in one area of life overflows into all areas, until the whole body is flooded.

      Many decisions - such as you isolating yourself from others - can be reversed. It may not be easy to do so, but then, very few of the things that we really want to achieve - the things that matter - are easy to do. And no, I do not think for one second that you are a shit person: depressed and down at the moment, perhaps, and too hard on yourself.

      Shedding stuff is sometimes very therapeutic: getting rid of the memories that you don't want in your life will allow you to amass other, happier stuff and memories. And here I don't necessarily mean physical things. Open yourself up to the world around you.

      Trade in your old life (or least, the parts you don't like) for a new one, a changed life.

      My standby when I'm feeling down is a long, hot bath. It may be a simplistic solution for everything that bothers you, but I find it very calming. Or take a long walk - one that really tires you out. But please don't drink any more today, ok?

      I'm not much of a help, but I'm online, so if you want to talk, I can at least listen
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

        Change I am sorry you are having a rough time right now. Drinking will make depression worse. Please try and talk to someone before you do something bad to yourself.
        Keep close here and you will have friends.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

          Hi, change. I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. I know words cant cure everything but sometime it is all one can offer. I've been here you are..and i dont mean i was sad sometimes and drank. I mean actually diagnosed with major life long untreated depression. With a nasty drinking problem to boot. There was a very long period of time where i felt that if this is life than i really need to figure out if i want to be on this ride. I have a big extended family but outside of my wife and one other person i cut everyone out. The idea that things could ever change was foreign to me. I wanted oblivion, numbness, the void. I didnt realize how much alcohol was fueling the depression until i got sober, maybe naive of me but its hard to see when you are in the thick of it. Long story short, i am happy where i right now, it has taken a lot of ugly work to get here and there is an overwhelming amount left to be done but it is whats called for. Hopefully something here resonates with you..i thought about your post a lot and didnt think i wanted to share such personal details in a public forum but i would have felt selfish if i didnt. If there is anything iay be able to help with pls dont hesitate to reach out, whether it is through PM or here. I dont know what i have to offer but i can try.


            Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

            Hello aren't a shit human being....sounds like things have been very tough...and I really do know that feeling of needing to shed stuff and hoping that it helps. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't...what seems impossible to shed is the grip that alcohol has on me and my decisions and lifestyle...and the sense of really not being worth anything from anyone...even love and support from people who genuinely do care...strangely I can let THAT go very easily, push them away and hide myself away.
            Try to hold on in there...we do care here....lots of people have gently pulled me out of that awfulness...and I'm sure that we have commented on each others' posts over the years.. and we are all here for you on here all day today so please just holler or PM me if it helps....stay strong x
            ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


              Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

              Change, you sound so down and I'm sorry you feel so bad. That's not a great place to be just know that people on this site think you are a very worthwhile human being. You are still here for a reason.

              I think getting rid of stuff is very wise. I have never place too much worth on things and have had a relatively easy time getting rid of things. But I know many people do not. It feels very freeing to let go. Don't get rid of every memory, keep the top things tucked away. You can keep photos and smaller things put away. You don't have to come back to them unless you want to.

              Alcohol doesn't help at all.... It only postpones and adds an additional burden of shame, regret, hangovers, etc etc.


                Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

                Change - You are not a shit human being! I do believe that is the wine talking. When you take a step back and let your head clear I am sure you will see some positive things. I know that when I was in the middle of a binge I would have gladly crawled out of my own skin if I could have...its a horrible feeling, and alcohol only compounds the problem. Please don't drink any more today, and stick close. You do have people here that care about you.
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

                  I agree with K9. When I was anger, sorrow, depression and basic will to "thrive" had left me. And every problem no matter how big or small was insurmountable. As soon as the first day that I quit...I started to feel hope. the minute I decided to quit, there was hope. That has grown day by day. You will easily find a lot of people that struggle with feelings or doubt and depression but the booze makes it a problem that can't be addressed and worked on. Creating a vicious cycle or self loathing...boozing...etc.

                  I hope you can find the strength to quit. I bet even after a few days you will start to see that life is worth living and that there IS hope!!!


                    Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

                    Thanks for your kind words everyone, and i'm truly sorry that i posted here after al. I just thought i owed it to everyone to be honest.

                    The first thing i thought of this morning was that aweful realisation that i had posted here in that state last night. Ironically, i probably had the best and longest sleep i've had in over one week and i really needed that sleep. Have taken the last three days off work (i have a casual job), and am not going back until i feel on my feet, which may and hopefully be next Monday.

                    Have decided to sell some of my mum's stuff. She won't know (figured if i keep some, she'll be alright), and put some of my furniture up for sale so that i can move to a smaller place.

                    All my dreams have become nightmares.

                    Thank-you, and sorry. Hopefully when i come back, i can have some better news.
                    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                      Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

                      Don't be sorry...stay close...sending you love x
                      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                        Shedding stuff, trading in your old life

                        Hi Change - I just saw this. You are not a bad person. You just reached out to me a couple of hours ago. It meant a lot. That's the thing that keeps me and support like you showed me with your post. Does a "shit human being" do something that kind? I don't think so. So are a very good person with a good heart. You are just fighting a terrible demon, as we all are.

                        I can tell you are depressed, and trust me, the wine isn't helping. But you already know that. No lectures here, my friend. But I want you to promise me that you will kind to yourself. You deserve that. When you are feeling better, let's talk. I do believe that shedding stuff can be healthy, if done in the right spirit. xx
                        Everything is going to be amazing

