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    Do you guys feel guilty about everything? Yesterday I went for sushi with the husband. Well normally I'm a low carb vegeterian eater (fish being the exception). But I haven't had sushi since last vacaction. So I thought what the heck. Had 2 tuna rolls and felt so guilty. said something to Greg, and he's like a half a cup of rice and some fish?? but it bothers me like I'm letting myself down. This morning I wanted to call a MWO member in Eurpoe the rate quoted by the phone company was obscene! But I called any way rushed through the call because of the rate. and now I feel terrible about that. What is money anyhow? I swear guilt has been ingrained in me since I was a child. I feel guilty that I have an envelope with money in my car to give the lady down the road (from Rockys do something nice for someone thread) The lady dosen't have very much. I don't know her name. I wanted to put it in her mail box but I'm afraid she won't pick up her mail and the mail carrier to take it off. I don't want to go to her door, because I don't want to embarass her. So guilty. I feel guilty I so dislike my MIL husband invited her down for a visit at the end of the month I persuaded him to send her money as a gift with a promise that he would come up there soon, to help with the house thing. She had called last week with a list ofthings she needed to come visit. She liked neither hotelwe have put her up in the past. and wanted to stay with us but,our home is not handicapped equiped. So no where for her husband to sleep or take a shower. Guilt does it ever end?I could keep going but I can't to much going on!!!


    I think there are worse things you could have besides sushi to crash a diet.

    sushi is pretty healthy, granted it does have rice in it.

    it's not like you ordered a big sundae.

    regarding phonecalls... you all must try SKYPE. you download it for free at Skype - internet calls - download Skype free now - free calls - official website on to your laptop or computer and you can contact any other skype user all over the world for free. if you have a laptop you can use the laptop speakers to talk. if you have a computer i think you might need a headset.

    if you want to call an actual phone instead of a computer, you have to pay for that but i think it is cheaper, haven't tried. so if you see prices on the site, remember you only pay for the calls to phones. calls between computers are free!!!



      Be proud of who you are simeybear- YOU are special and there is no need to feel guilty about anything, youre a lovely person. Love Bella xxxx



        I feel guilty about everything. My son asked me to sit for his kids yesterday at the last minute so that he could go to the hospital and visit a friend. I was too tired - I work a full time job during the week and Saturday and Sunday mornings. I had not been shopping and had no treats, lunch, etc for them. I hung up, thinking - his wife doesn't work; this friend was a co-worker, so I am sure that his wife would not be going with him. She was probably off doing something, so why was I feeling guilty for being tired? They are notorious for picking up the kids late, and I just didn't want to deal with it.

        One of the moods should be "fat". I've eaten too much this weekend (enjoyed every bite). Ive been a lifetime member of Weight Watchers for 11 years - weighed in Saturday two pounds below goal - never good enough.

        Guilt, guilt, guilt. It's what I do.




          Thanks Nancy, I have all that equipment,husband runs an IT company so we'll give that a try. Bella, sweetie those are those hormones talking
          darlin'. (I know your having a girl. I'm really pretty evil. Who else would pay their MIL cash to stay away?



            In other words, Mary, I've just gotten so used to feeling guilty that I laugh it off.

            You are a great lady for putting up with you MIL and your SIL. It's okay to let guilt be part of who you are; just don't let it consume you. Awareness is the key. When you start to think, "oh, that's just me", then you feel the pang about the half a cup of rice, and it goes away. Othewise, it leads to a bag of potato chips.

            Not that I've ever done that before:wow:



              Hey Simey, I know how it feels-I always feel guilty-about everything. But I have a question-I don't mean to be obtuse,- but what does a low carb vegetarian eat? I was a veggie for eons, till I gave up so many carbs, and my family demanded meats every night. But I ate tons of rice and beans, as well as veggies an fruits, tofu, tempeh, and ...cheese...but we know how you are with cheese I would love to go back to a lighter diet, but it has always been the rice option. Are there lower carb option that I missed all these years? Please enlighten me?!
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child



                please Mum do not feeling guilty about a rushed phone was really nice to hear your voice and kind words and hey if you need help paying for that or any future calls you know i will help out. also i do have Skype had it for a very long time fantastic call quality

                guilt does tend to eat at us all...i felt guilty about having to come home from work and leaving the other girls in the lurch (mind you i have sworn down that the last day i am there i am gonna deck Deborah)

                guilt is a small yet powerful emotion, but look at the reasons as to why you do something before feeling wanted Sushi and you haven't had it in sooo long, why should you feel guilty about treating yourself to something you deserve? you wanted to call me, it made my day and i hope it helped lighten yours some, it may have only been a few minutes but that few minutes has made me feel so much better then i have over the last few days, why feel guilty for trying to make your little girl feel better? what normal person would not pay to keep their MIL away? never been in that much of a serious relationship but i used to complete avoid going to see a specific ex's mother...the b***h.... and technically with what i am reading it is not keep away money, it is "i will come up to you" money.

                you have no reason to feel guilty on any counts and if you look at each indiviual thing you feel guilty for i am sure you and i together can look at it so it doesn't have to be guilt...

                love you
                Kel xx
                http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again



                  Kel, honey no money isn't an issue when phoning. Greg, would just say $12.00 a minute why don't you fly over for a visit. I will get the skype thing set up. You will hear from me again.SOON!! Promise. Amethyst, It is hard to eat low carb veggie, southbeach is good. I always subsitute fish or go without meat when I do a recipe. Greg, big carb guy so I'm always having to fix 2 very different meals. So I'm not a true vegeterian because of the fish, but do my best the organic section at the store is pretty good to just be careful and read those labels. I exsist on salad and tuna. The MIL thing is so stupid she is losing her home due toa forclosure, so we said we would buy them a house. So now they are looking at houses so far out there. Can we say major upgrade? I swera next she'll want a butler and maid. Oh well I'll come in off the roof now!
                  Love all



                    Random thoughts on a few things --
                    Just a little more skype info. I put $10 on my skype account so I could call home from Mexico and I've used it a ton and still have $7 left! I believe calls to land lines are between a penny and 3 cents a minute -- it's amazing how cheap it is! And, I love tech toys.
                    Hey, I'm a lifetime weight watcher also! But, not at goal right now but, I'm on my way/weigh down.
                    Oh, and Simey -- I'm 45 also and always claim that my mother was able to utilize guilt without benefit of Judaism or Catholicism (so she is gifted). Yesterday I felt guilty for making a new recipe for vichysoisse that turned out a bit sour!
                    Mama T.
                    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007



                      Oh Mar, bitch up girl, you know, I KNOW you can!!! HA You have to have the worlds worst MIL, I swear. I have never seen you, but you are beautiful on the inside where it counts!!!!!



                        my mum is beautiful on the inside and on the outside...she is wonderful :l
                        http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again



                          Thank you Luv and Kel, Mama Donna could kill a cockroach with a stare. I swear she always tell Greg, tell Mar I love her. I always say for a day she might. Then Grg laughs and says your lucky if you get a day! She is a piece of work. She hates everything about me. husband say she's jealous. I have tried with this woman, it's just never good enough. Oh well,she is my husbands mom. He has to love her not me!!!!!



                            You don't even have to like her, just respect your husband...she is his Mom. We can pick alot of things, but not our Mama's...



                              LUV, AMEN!!

