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Is it me, or is it not working

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    Is it me, or is it not working

    It takes a lot of work!

    I think it is really important to think hard about the difference between the cravings and the habit, sometimes they are hard to tell apart for me!

    I know the habit will take over for me when I can know that there is a part of me that really doesn't want to have a drink, but I'll go ahead and have the darned thing anway, cause I'm not really sure what the heck else to do with myself. That is where the cd's DO come in, and visualizing yourself differently, thinking about the new you that you want to be.

    This takes planning. The topa and supps do help with the cravings, but we can't just sit around and wait for the cravings to stop! Even then, the habits are still there. The topa and supps help with the physical stuff so that we are a little freer to work on the psychological/habit part of our addiction.

    Please don't take this as a lecture! I KNOW what I'm supposed to be doing, but I haven't always done what I'm supposed to do. The more I follow the program, the better I do with my drinking (or lack thereof, to be precise!:lol ) Good luck!



      Is it me, or is it not working

      Re: It takes a lot of work!

      good point...cravings vs habit.
      both are real boogers to quit ..arent they?


        Is it me, or is it not working

        Re: It takes a lot of work!

        Thats funny you guys were saying that. I was just going to start a post about cravings versus habit. Habits are very powerful things. I find the cravings are much less but the habit is definitely there. Example: on the radio I heard an ad for a patio party - first instict - excitement - patio = drinking.


          Is it me, or is it not working

          Hi all, I am a bit worried, this is not the thread to pick up when you haven't got startedyet! but really I ask is it the drink, habit or our lives. if you feel that bad after a day at your job, is it the job? You know i love my job, i have a wonderful satisfying job, where i can actually meditate as i work, but I still drink ha ha


            Is it me, or is it not working

            Geez, don't know why I can't seem to find these posts again. Good point about habit vs craving. You all have posted some good for thought, especially about the lower dosage of topa. All something to think about. By the way, what does AF mean?


              Is it me, or is it not working

              alcohol free:lol :eek


                Is it me, or is it not working

                Thanks YAH. Silly me :rollin Have a great Saturday.


