I hear a lot of talk about craving. I really dont know what that means. During the day from the time I wake up until around 8 pm I cant really say I have a craving like a pregnant gal would get for pickles and ice cream (sorry couldnt think of another analogy). It is more that I drive by the store and think I would like to have a few beers tonight so I stop, put it in the fridge when I get home then after son gets off to bed I kick back and have a few. I do notice that it is a mind set. If I have my mind that I want to have a few then I get a little grouchy if the wife puts her foot down and says no. So what is craving? Is it the desire to have some or is it the need that I must get some? The funny thing is it doesnt happen everyday. Usually stressors trigger it. (You really don't want to know how many I have of those

Ok second part. I am taking the Kudzu and it appeasr that it isnt affecting my mental ability to stop by the store, all it does is make me drink less if I take it an hour before drinking. Does Topamax actually help you drive by the store without not even thinking about it? I am really beginning to think I need something to wash the thoughts from my head.
Will power - Some days I have tremendous will power and sometimes stopping and getting beer doesnt even enter my head but once I have decided to drink I have tremendous will power in that I WILL have that drink. The funny thing about all this is I am having a worse time not drinking since I joined MYO. I believe it is because I am thinking about it more and really want to succeed.
Even though I want to succeed I also dont want to completely quit. The trouble is that I really enjoy the buzz and how I can refocus after a night of drinking. My family troubles (no nothing to do with marital problems) are very wearing on me and it is my way of escaping when I just cant handle the stress. I also enjoy drinking on Friday/Saturday night playing internet games with my brother and all my friends. That is where I get the most enjoyment atm.
I'll quit rambling for now but will post more of what I am thinking later on.