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Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

    kitkatsue;127614 wrote: Well no alcohol for 2 days but I feel like I am coming down with something, flu maybe.
    I have to get back to work tomorrow. Really not looking forward to that. I feel broken and numb and tired. I can't give up!! I have to keep pushing forward. Hopefully I will feel a little better tomorrow. A good question is that when I am feeling better will I forget just how rotten I feel now, and start all over again wish I had someone to kick me in the but and remind me. I know I really don't need alcohol.

    Sorry for rambling I think this is more for me just to get it out of my system. So if you wish to ignore my posts for the next few days feel free

    kitkatsue, to answer your question: Yes, you will forget how bad alcohol made you feel, and you will probably think about doing it again. How many times has that happened already? I've done it over and over. The key is to stick with this site, and we can help remind you not to do it. If you browse the boards, you will so so many post like, "I hate myself, I was doing so well, and I broke down." These are reminders for me. I have to make sure I stop by. Booze is tricky, and we somehow forget how bad it made us feel in the past. Hard to believe we can forget some it considering how hellish it was, huh? Please ramble away though. It is the best thing to do. Stop in often, and we can give each other support.

    Also, don't be too shocked if you don't feel and look well at first. We've had many threads on this subject. I wish I could find the thread where we all commented how we looked like shit. Some of us were getting greazy skin, pimples, some had dry skin. It takes awhile for the body to get used to being cleaned out. After years of drinking, your body chemistry changes to actual keep this poison from killing you. So, when you start to detox, your body may get a little "wigged" out. Be patient. You are going to be so much more beautiful than you already are, I gaurentee it.
    where does this go?


      Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

      I am trying not to think of it as starting over but as part of the process. Stumbling until we get it right.

      Think of a baby who learns to walk. They don't just get up and walk one day - they stumble around a lot first and fall down. They don't give up or feel like failures. That's because nobody told them they were. That comes later in life.

      So let's stop telling ourselves we've failed and we're starting over - just another step in the process.


        Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

        Hi kitkat, you have had lots of good advice to chew over and I don't know what I can add, but it never ceases to amaze me how many "professionals" in the addiction business think that telling you to stop is going to work. I have been at my doctor a number of times and he has told me that all I have to do is "give myself a shake" and "pull myself together". He doesn't drink and by his own admission can't understand anyone who does. Anyway, you are here and you must not dwell on what has been, but make plans for the future.

        Starlight, well done on two days. I know how hard it is and I am pleased you are on the way forward.



          Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

          New...but trying!

          Poor thing, the hospital huh? I've felt like going there before! Usually the morning after tho! I too read Alan Carr's book, it was great, and sure helped for awhile...having my cancer thing really uprooted alot of my resolve from the stress, etc., and hormones play a huge part of "keeping it together" so I kinda relasped at surgical menopause after reading his book. I still to this day....will be sitting there, pouring "one more glass" and saying in my head to myself, what was quoted in his book..."Go ahead, drink that poison so you can feel and act like a total dumbass"....something to that effect! You know the drill, loose control and beat yourself UP...all the way DOWN....I think everyone is right, you have to be finished....all the way around, I'm too chicken to go cold turkey yet, so today I start moderation.... I told God, "ok, I'm taking this mountain everywhere I can to conquer it, and if you'll just help me let all the things I'm going to try, to work, I'd sure appreciate it" know the Big Guy is pulling for me, and I also know I have to do my part...praying and hoping it away, doesn't work, but you have to get back up, brush yourself off, and keep trying...its not how many times you fall I've heard, its how many times you get back up.....I'm thinking of all of you today, please do the same for me!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

            "You rest you rust", old saying in my family. Just keep trying Kitkat. Really what other option do any of us have? not to try is to give up and to give up is to die. Not the outcome we want.
            Smile pretty lady


              Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

              it is really really difficult to stop or slow down a habit that has been there for years. it's painful to be drunk and it's painful to find out that something has control of your will.

              I have been trying and keep deceiving myself. stopping self abuse is not an easy task, getting support is a really good thing.

              keep trying and pushing. be gentle to yourself in the process
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                Booze for me is my way of coping with things I can't control. I am sure it is that way for many here. Thats interesting about the chemistry changes but it make since.

                not to change the subject but how are you all able to add your mood to your posts?
                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Hi KKS, Just click on change mood in your welcome box and you'll get a drop-down menu.

                  Hope you are feeling better



                    Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                    What book? I want to read it.Bird


                      Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                      The book we've been discussing is

                      bird;127674 wrote: What book? I want to read it.Bird
                      Bird, we've been talking about Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking." here is a link

                      [ame=] The Easy Way to Stop Drinking: Books: Allen Carr[/ame]

                      I really enjoyed it.
                      where does this go?


                        Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                        It's sitting right in front of me. I've had it for a while and really need to pick it up and read it.


                          Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Kitasue, you have to be a subscribing member in order to have the mood thingy. Then you can change it as often as you want.


                            Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Thank you again to all for your posts I wish everyone success in what ever they are going through!!!!
                            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                              Starting over what a drag!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Thanks for that simeybear and everyone, I've been to three doctors in three day, and so far the acupuncture has worked the best.
                              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

