I have to get back to work tomorrow. Really not looking forward to that. I feel broken and numb and tired. I can't give up!! I have to keep pushing forward. Hopefully I will feel a little better tomorrow. A good question is that when I am feeling better will I forget just how rotten I feel now, and start all over again wish I had someone to kick me in the but and remind me. I know I really don't need alcohol.
Sorry for rambling I think this is more for me just to get it out of my system. So if you wish to ignore my posts for the next few days feel free
Also, don't be too shocked if you don't feel and look well at first. We've had many threads on this subject. I wish I could find the thread where we all commented how we looked like shit. Some of us were getting greazy skin, pimples, some had dry skin. It takes awhile for the body to get used to being cleaned out. After years of drinking, your body chemistry changes to actual keep this poison from killing you. So, when you start to detox, your body may get a little "wigged" out. Be patient. You are going to be so much more beautiful than you already are, I gaurentee it.
