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Topa and compulsive shopping

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    Topa and compulsive shopping

    My compulsion doesn't stop with alcohol. I also love clothes and buy to excess. I don't know what to do with all of them. They don't fit into the 3 closets I've taken over and sort of dominate the entire upstairs of our house. I'm at the point where I won't allow myself to step into a Chicos store. So, question...anyone out there in a similar boat? I'm wondering if the Topa might help with that too. Geez, I can't wait to see the Dr. and get started. Em

    Topa and compulsive shopping

    Not much of a shopper myself (always got in the way of drinking time - but this could change!) but I thought I would shoot this post back to the top of the boards...


      Topa and compulsive shopping

      Thanks Jenneh. Ya, I'm curious - no shoppers at all? Come on ladies! If Topa can help with drinking and smoking and what have you, it SHOULD help with a shopping habit too. (I hope). Em


        Topa and compulsive shopping

        Sorry that I can't comment much on this Em, I used to love clothes but wasn't a compulsive shopper. My sister doesn't drink, but she is a compulsive shopper. Maybe you will have to be our "test case" and see how it goes! I think topa is helpful in general with compulsive behavior, but I also think that, like with drinking, it will help some, but you will still have to work on the habit part of it!!! If shopping is something that soothes and comforts you, you will probably still have some urges, although hopefully not as strong. There will still likely be some element of willpower involved, though. Well, I guess I am commenting on this after all!!! I guess I have something to say about just about everything now, don't I??:lol

        I don't know any of this for sure, it just makes intuitive sense to me. I hope you will keep us all posted on what you learn for sure as time goes on!

        Good luck!!


          Topa and compulsive shopping

          Hi there, I know the Topa has really curbed a lot of my compulsive behaviors...I wouldn't say my shopping was extreme, but I could go on spells where I would say..thrift shop a couple of times a week if I was 'antsy'..and I knew it was a compulsive kind of thing..that and some other things have totally subsided...good luck!


            Topa and compulsive shopping

            Sorry folks, have to weigh in on personal experience is within my first 7 day abs, I didn't spend anything on clubbing, dining out, bringing dinner and alcohol in...however, I bought 2 14K gold chains to replace one I had lost years ago in a funk (it was my favorite and took me years to find the exact chain) another 21K chain and cartouche (also another loss which I don't know where/when it happened) so, since I have/had no debt and was not up to my usual distractions...I found other things to replace "things" that I was missing during my other for did NOT curb my shopping because I'm NOT a shopper at all...:rollin


              Topa and compulsive shopping

              My friend who is on topa, used to love NBC shopping & QVC. She was somwhat disappointed, because it took all of her joy out of channel surfing and buying. No kidding. I was so surprised to hear this. She is on topa for weight loss only. She went to her dr. under th disguise that she had migraines to obtain the medications for the weight loss. She saw how much weight I was losing, and decided to give it a try.


                Topa and compulsive shopping

                Sydney, that's great. I have a store of the topamax, but I don't take it I guess that I should. Then, I have curbed my drinking and my pocketbook:rollin

