Nora, so nice you got mom out. Sounds like a fun day. I happen to love dollar tree!
Kradle, Matt is so cute! Wish they could stay that little.
Gettin, hope you enjoy your birthday weekend. I'm sure the little ones will go to church with you.
K9, hope you're "feeling better". Did you enjoy you're day?
I had dinner with "friends " this evening. Our girls are the same age and went to preschool together. We have kept in touch all these years (girls are now23). I used to enjoy being with them. Tonight the one was just going on about her daughter, designer purses, designer shoes, a boyfriend who takes her only to expensive resturants, the great job she has, plastic surgeries shes having. OMG. The other mom and I barely got a word in. If there was any al around I would have drunk it! We used to be such good friends, I don't know why she's like this. Toxic, I tell you. I can't deal with it. I need to get rid of the toxins in my life. So sadly that's gonna be that.