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    I know there's been other postings about the Hypno cd's but I guess I'm looking for some additional encouragement. I KNOW if I listen to them at night I will fall asleep. Can I listen to them in the morning without being droogy? (sp) And do they REALLY work???


    Yes they really do work. I was so sleepy yesterday, listened to one of them and I had a burst of energy. And - no cravings last night. I am doing the supps, but I really believe it was the CDs.





      Thanks Barb! Your not doing the Topa?



        Re: cd's

        I have posted that the Cd's have been like A GILDED INVITATION for a nap which has been frustrating! What has kept me awake for the last few times is the following:

        Doing part 2 only (whether hypno or clearing)
        Only reclining slightly, but comfortably
        Doing in the morning or EARLY afternoon
        Having a little caffeine beforehand

        I am able to go into a fairly nice trance but not fall asleep. Thanks for bringing it up again, because I did want to re-post on my FRUSTRATION thread, but it slipped my mind!! I'll post there, too, and bump it back up to the top.

        Remember that you should listen to Part 1 of the hypno and clearing at least once before going on to part 2!

        Good luck!!!




          Re: cd's

          I lost the instructions - are you supposed to do the clearing side one once a week and then the clearing side two whenever possible? I listen to the hypno side one at least once a week and the second track as often as I can. I really like that it is only 15 minutes - makes it easier to fit in.

          Chuck, no, I've decided that I don't need Topa for now. My whole mindset seems to be changing, so I want to try it on my on with the supps for a while. If something changes, meds are an option.

          Kathy, when you listen to the side ones, do you actually fall asleep or do you wake up at the end like you are supposed to? It may be that you are in a deeper, more relaxed state than you thought. Just wondering.

          I'm dog-sitting, and the pooch woke me up barking at 3:00. Got up and checked it out - just as I was dozing off again, he let out one more "woof". That got me out of bed. I listened to side 2 of the hypno. When done, I had enuf energy to do an hour of step aerobics, and my day started earlier.




            Re: cd's

            I don't regularly listen to part 1 of either the clearing or hypno any more, because I go into such a deep trance I end up not remembering any of it. I do just fine with part 2, most of the time. If I feel that I need a little more because I am keyed up, I will listen to about 5-10 minutes of part 1, and then rouse myself to switch to part 2. That way I am able to get into trance but stay sufficiently awake to give myself the suggestions, etc. If you read my other thread about Frustration, I was at my wit's end, because I was always falling asleep, so I had to tweak different things to make the cd's work for me. I must be almost sitting up, for example.

            At any rate, as per the "real" directions, you are supposed to listen to clearing part 1 & 2 once a week, then part 2 again later in the week. The same goes for the hypno. Sleep learning every night and subliminal 1 hour/day while you are doing other things. If you want the complete directions, go to the May or June Abstinence events and in the beginning posts, they have the complete directions, I believe. They are in the archives at the bottom of the community forums!

            Hope this helps!





              Know wonder you call yourself "Young at Heart" Just noticed you have over 1400 posts!!! How many years you been sober?? Either that or you a registered MD?? Hope you know I'm teasing.. Your information is very informative.

