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November Undies

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    November Undies

    lucky 2.0;1588336 wrote: Frog,

    Check out my post on the book thread. I am reading something you and the other gardeners might like also.

    And guess what? I used your phrase of a bee's dick in a sentence to a friend today. Thought of you!

    Waves to all those down under!
    Thanks lucky
    I've just placed a hold on this at my local library, so I'll let you know when it arrives
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      November Undies

      byebyebridgetjones;1588364 wrote: Aaaww just re-read that. Poor chookeroo Froglette. I've heard the term 'squidgy belly' bandied around for a poorly chicken who's on the way out.Even the vets say they're unable to do much after a certain point.
      And then charge you $100 bucks for the knowledge...

      Sorry to hear that TF. And glad you've got some company on the way. She sounds like the right sort of medicine at the moment.

      Check back in for a proper read later, bit all over the place and the dog just vomited leftover pasta everywhere...ewwh...

      Be good...and that includes the Raggses


        November Undies

        Sorry to hear your news Tawny.:h:l
        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
        Mother Theresa


          November Undies

          I missed Glassybum's pics :upset:

          Happy Friday to you all!

          Haps - I've tried to take a week annual leave but I've had to go in Mon and Tuesday and I've been on the phone, email and carrier pigeon all week. At least I haven't had to get up early. That's always a bonus for me. Not that I stay in bed until late, it's just the rush of a work day morning I loathe. The hair yanked is in residence so it changes the dynamic of the place - of course. I hate the way he swans in, mixes things up then goes off again. He rubs most everyone up the wrong way, so everyone is half cranky....blah, blah, blah. Nuff of my gripes!

          I won $37.60 on Powerball. Just bought the ingredients to finish of my Christmas cake cooking marathon. My kids call it the 2013 Christmas Cake Baking Saga! So far, so good - no dramas or squeaking to report.

          Wonderful stormy morning here. Lady Dharma got into my bed the minute the first roll of thunder sounded.

          I've been to the gym, worked up a good sweat, had a 'real' coffee so will now commence cake cooking.

          Yes, I will shower first......

          Enjoy life today my friends!
          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
          Mother Theresa


            November Undies

            A. I wanna go to Tonga...when are we going?
            B. :upset: Missy chook.
            C. Could I have Carlos' number please?

            There was lots of thunder this morning. We have a massive strike really close, the tv died & now it's rooted. I'm devo. I've got Redfern Now recorded for tonight but nought to watch it on....we'll have to talk to each other & play board games. It'll be just like Victorian times.
            Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


              November Undies

              Tawny, I'm so sorry to hear about the other Missy. She's still the screen saver on my laptop, pic taken when she was in all her glory. That is very nice that she chose your desk as the place to pass over - I'm sure it felt like a place of safety for her to do her thing.

              I had an interesting conversation about death this week with someone I work with. She's Hindu, and her MIL has terminal cancer. Somebody was expressing sympathy, and my colleague said something along the lines of "its sad, but she regards it as being the last thing she needs to do before she moves onto her next adventure". Mum was a bit the same in the last six months of her life - she was a devout Catholic and truly believed that she was going to a better world. Sometimes I wish I was religious.

              Hope Rags and Mr G have a lovely time together!

              nicelife;1588486 wrote: The hair yanked is in residence so it changes the dynamic of the place - of course. I hate the way he swans in, mixes things up then goes off again. He rubs most everyone up the wrong way, so everyone is half cranky....blah, blah, blah. Nuff of my gripes!
              Nicey - I could have written that post about this place. We all breathe a sigh of relief when he is out of the office doing important things. We've sent everyone home because of the hazards from the building maintenance, so it was just me and my two fellow managers here today and we had a great morning having a good bitch about the boss :H:H He is so lost in his own arrogance that he counters any disagreement with his point of view with telling people why they are wrong and/or stupid.

              Anyway, as a result of some things that he has done, the signs that we will be closed down next year are getting stronger. I'm trying not to get too stressed out about it but I'm really looking forward to the Xmas break!!

              Speaking of which, this is the first year that Mr B and I wont be hosting our family Xmas at our home - we always did it because it was close to where Mum's rest home was. The mantle has now passed to the next generation and my nephew's wife is relishing the prospect of being the next matriarch in the family :H:H

              It does, however, leave Mr B and I bereft of any traditions with which to celebrate Xmas, barring our usual Xmas breakfast of raspberries and greek yoghurt, followed by creamed chicken livers on brioche (made by my own fair hands). So we are doing some thinking about whether we want to start some new tradiitions or just enjoy the time being really lazy

              And I just realised that I had forgotten to tell you that he has now got a job - a really good position in a hospital within walking distance of where we are living, in a specialty that he loves. There is some bureaucracy to get through before he starts (Police checks etc) but he has been getting a bit grumpy with such an extended period of not being in work (3 weeks for the recruitment process, 4 weeks for appointment processes) so we will all be much happier when he is working again

              Must go and do some work!!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                November Undies

                Arvo Roo's,

                Struth Missy, fair suck of the saveloy re your boss. Mine are poor performers too, and do damage to our service delivery, whilst we are left to pick up the pieces. Beats me how they are in the job.

                Well well. Rags is an absolute delight, as youse would imagine. Full of energy and enthusiasm for life, and the moment. We had coffee at one of yer Southbank establishments run by Carlos' brother in law. The coffee was alright but. We spent about an hour together yapping, and oh did we laugh? Yes, we laughed and laughed. There was so much to yap about and Rags is so easy to talk with as we cut the cheese on all sorts of subjects from lingerie to diesel engines. Time ran out far too soon. It will be great to catch up with her again down the track to continue our maarvellous convo's. Safe travels Rags and Mr. Rags.

                Grinder, just for you:


                or Skype him:


                Have a beaut night all.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  November Undies

                  Arvo Undies all, good stuff Mr G, glad you had a nice catch up.

                  Nearly within a bee's dick of giving notice today...I think Nicey, Missy and I could get a Horrible Bosses gig going....just for a laugh you understand...


                    November Undies

                    Bosses, can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em.
                    I'm off to watch Breaking Bad on the lappy. Everyone says it's the beeessssttttt thing they've ever seen. Frankly I'm suspect.
                    Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                      November Undies

                      Good evening little ones.
                      Looks like there'll be a few of us on the dole soon:H
                      We can all lay on our respective lounges all day and look at Facebook.

                      Glad you two hit it off Mr G. Our ears were all stinging....
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        November Undies

                        A Better Me;1588611 wrote: Bosses, can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em.
                        Pass the beer nuts....

                        Breaking Bad is fantastic. I think you'll like it.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          November Undies

                          byebyebridgetjones;1588613 wrote: Pass the beer nuts....

                          Breaking Bad is fantastic. I think you'll like it.
                [/video]]Family Guy - Breaking Bad (and the Wire) - YouTube

                          Still haven't watched it...saving it for later....:H


                            November Undies

                            Breaking Bad =excellent.

                            I ate. I really ATE!


                              November Undies

                              tawnyfrog;1588627 wrote: Breaking Bad =excellent.

                              I ate. I really ATE!
                              Good stuff Frog. A hop in the right direction.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                November Undies

                                One of my friends that I've known since we started high school together (in 1972) died today.
                                We've known it's coming, so I'm not sure yet whether to be sad or angry but I'm going to say fuck anyway.

                                And also this. :upset:
                                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                                I didn't come this far to only come this far.

