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Your Goal ???

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    Your Goal ???

    I was thinking last night, after i had calmed down a bit..

    Where do i see myself in 5 years time??

    Will i be in exactly the same situation i am in now...Struggling without a drink most nights and blotto for the rest of the week..?..Loosing jobs because of drink?...An extra couple of stone around the waist??

    Or will i have 3 or 4 years sobriety behind me??...A new better job...Some money in the bank for the first time in my life?..A fitter healthier leaner body???

    Obviously the second ones better...But 5 years ago i imagined the same thing...and 5 years before that..

    Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Your Goal ???

    One of the worst things I remember from excessive drinking is that I felt like I had no future. I felt I was not going to live 5 more years because I was drinking myself to death—literally. At that point I was not able to look ahead and expect anything. After sobering up I felt like I had a new lease on life. But I got so carried away I forgot to take care of my day to day existence. I now realize to be abstinent I have to continue doing the things I know will keep me on my path. I have to choose not to drink always. I don’t seem to learn lessons very easily, but this one I will not forget. I can’t drink a little alcohol. I shouldn’t try. I never want to be the person I was so I must keep my eye on goal – today. Five years from now I hope I can say I chose not to drink again today and I am a better person for it. I can’t do that by myself. I need the supplements, the vitamins, the CD’s, all of you, and a focus on why I choose not to drink.

    I hope I don’t sound rude, I don’t mean to. I just know for me, I already worry about too many things that aren’t real; they are just in my mind. I think of it as going to see a horror movie. While I am in the theater I am truly frightened and my mind reacts as if the phone call is coming from inside MY house. It scares the wits out of me and I react as if it were real, but all the time it is all happening only in my mind. The same thing happens when I look into the future and think what it will be like. My mind reacts to my thoughts and that can be good or bad, but it definitely has an impact on what I am doing today. And today is what I have to get through before tomorrow ever comes.

    God Bless
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      Your Goal ???

      In 5 years from now, this problem will be a distant memory.

      I want one more child to complete our family. I know for a fact this will not be part of my life anymore. I have a great husband; loving parents, and I know I will be good. Despite it all, I will be good.


        Your Goal ???


        For just one day I wish for an AF free day and a little peace of mind.( which comes with an AF free day) .. Good Luck


          Your Goal ???

          First word that popped in my mind was: stability.

          Right now I'm teaching my mind not to look so far into the furture. Sets me up for failure. I usually just wake up each morning & plan what I need to do that day. " Today I don't feel like drinking. Today I choose not to drink. I don't need to~ I got to do " BLANK instead ".
          Small steps, small goals. I can't fathom 1 yr into the future yet alone 5.

          How about 5 months? looking for a part-time job in the mean time & finishing up my degree (changed my career after kids born). And of course-being a devoted & dependable mother & wife Full-Time! I owe them.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Your Goal ???

            What an inspirational thread all !!! I'm looking forward to 30 AF (day 9 today) and am gonna start defragging my hard drive to reload all the "good stuff" that life has to offer. ~Niblet~

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Your Goal ???

              If you had asked me this a month ago I would have had a much different answer...probably would have said 5 years from now I would be dead. BUT, I have a much different outlook now. I WILL beat this. 5 years from now I will hjave this alcohol weight OFF and I will be back to my pre-alcohol binge self. I will be back to the active over-protective Mom I was a year ago and the neat freak I was at home. I already see a HUGE change the past few days. My skin is looking good, I have lost 7 lbs....I FEEL GOOD. I have cried a good bit lately just thinking how pathetic I let myuself get. I can't believe it! My poor body and my poor, poor children. They probably think I went insane...guess I did really. I think of the things I have done this past year and I honestly can not believe it. This site and the supps have literally saved my life! I am finding my way back.... 5 years from now...tears will be dried up , I will look damn good again, and my kids will have HUGE smiles again!!!


                Your Goal ???

                I am a planner and looking in life as a long term affair has always appealed to me. Once I clearly identify a goal I know I have the tenacity to achieve that goal. I bought my own house at 24. I put myself through night school. Somewhere along the way I lost my ability to focus and became unproductive. As I recover from my binge drinking I plan to: get married, start a family, start my own business, get into the best shape of my life and learn to garden. Some goals will be accomplished before others but thats ok. I'm a work in progress and as long as I inch towards my goals I'll be happy!

                Suddenly I see
                This is what I want to be
                suddenly I see
                Why the hell it means so much to me.

                -KT Tunstall


                  Your Goal ???

                  I want my sobriety WAY BEHIND me. And my happiness in the PRESENT and still in FRONT of me.
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Your Goal ???

                    Five years from now I will be 33 with a daughter graduating from high school, and another in their second year. YIKES! It's so hard to believe. I like to think of where I'll be in five to ten years but I try to take every day one day at a time. Especially these days when things aren't going so well. I want to thank all of you. I am new to this group this week and I started this problem this week and this is the best group I have met. I love to get up every day and read your posts. It helps me realize that there are people out there like me. I have joined other groups before and felt judged and was afraid to really say anything but you guys have made me feel at home and very welcome so thank you all very much.


                      Your Goal ???

                      I think most folks just oops thru life and deal with wherever they land.
                      We can definitely navigate our path.
                      I made a list of 5 things for the future and I put them on my bathroom mirror and read them evey morning.
                      When faced with a choice, I think about my list: what choice gets me further to my goal?
                      I want to live life with laughter and lust!
                      * * I love Determinator * *


                        Your Goal ???

                        This is an inspirational thread!! I was always a planner and I have achieved quite a lot in my life. However over the past few years as the alcohol has tightened its grip on me I have slipped a bit and have found myself indolent so many times. This thread has got me thinking, though, maybe I should start planning again. There is so much to do in this world that spending it in the bottom of a glass is a waste, but then again so is feeling sorry for yourself. Definitely food for thought.



                          Your Goal ???

                          I've been thinking about this thread since I posted in it a little while ago. I've thought about my goals over the past five years and what they have consisted of. The only goals I can remember over the past few years are the desire to get shit faced on a Friday and Saturday night. It would be Monday and I would already be planning what I would be doing for the weekend. Knowing it would be in a bar but deciding which bar was the tough decision. But then eventually it wouldn't even have to be a thought or a question it was automatically burned into my weekly ritual.
                          I thank you for starting this thread and for making me priortize my goals again for which I had long forgotten.


                            Your Goal ???

                            In 5 years from now I would like to be re-married to that wonderful guy out there that is waiting form.

                            Am I being realistic I don't know.


                              Your Goal ???

                              Luv,you are already beautiful! Jacy he's coming when you least expect him, trust me I know. 5 years from now I want to be able to sit on the front porch hold my husband hand watch my Grandchildren play in the yard and talk about how happy we are Noelle has someone good in her life. And the bad old days are just barely remembered; there just enough for reference if needed. Chapter 2 will definetly be better than Chapter1. by the way did you know that I plan to live to 127 ? sounds like a good number. Just keep the botox pumping Doctor!!

