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I'm desperately keeping this to myself and it hurts

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    I'm desperately keeping this to myself and it hurts

    Here's one for ya...I was in love with a narcissist , which I didn't realize till later, who was seeing me and his old girlfriend at the same time! I finally got over it. His step mother told me he asks about me and is very curious...and she thinks his heart is still with me. So I emailed him and he deleted it! I used to email my overwhelming feelings of what a scumbag he is, so he probably got tired of those. This time it was about his stepmother! Glad I don't have any wine inthe house...i'd be drinking it. Been working 2 jobs jobs and doing a good job myself, but, ran out of some vitamins and haven't been on track. I've been drinking more now than ever. 1 bottle of wine every other day. Never drank that much before. Feel so discouraged. Everything else is going well. My family is proud of me and my kids. Don't want to let them know of this slip up. My kids don't realize my pattern-they are with their dad on the days I drink. I feel lonely and hardly socialize anymore. Too tired. This is so isolating.

    I'm desperately keeping this to myself and it hurts

    So sorry you are hurting. Rejection is such a stinging hurt. Drinking may help the hurt for a while and you may need to continue until you know it hurts more than it helps. I'm glad you came here with it though. It helps to say it out loud and know others have experienced that pain too.
    :d Lori K


      I'm desperately keeping this to myself and it hurts

      You sound so like me. It's so hard to keep up that charade. My family and friends don't know the extent of my drinking. On the outside, I'm coping well with life: working, raising my young kids on my own, paying my bills on time. Inside, I'm in agony. I hate me for all the secret drinking I do. I hide the empty wine bottles in the recycle bin in case a friend happens to open it to throw in an empty Coke can while they're visiting. I'm terrified of being found out. I've been trying to quit for 6 months, but I only really just understood the full extent of my problem.

      Today is Day 1 of my quit. I can't go on like this anymore. I will make it through this week, then tackle the weekend. We all of pains and voids to fill. That's why we drink. But love yourself. Love your kids. Pamper yourself. And little by little find other things that make you feel special and fill that void.


        I'm desperately keeping this to myself and it hurts

        Thank you so much for your kind words. It's amazing how much it means to know someone else gets it.


          I'm desperately keeping this to myself and it hurts

          Hi! It's interesting that his stepmother told you and not him. We women can make much of the littlest scraps that are tossed our way, can't we?? And they usually are just that, scraps, if anything at all!

          Sorry that you got hurt kjajabes! Here's to a better future with less narcissistic men!



            I'm desperately keeping this to myself and it hurts

            Hi Kjajabes
            How are you doing????
            We are here and wondering!
            Hugs!!!!!!!:h :d

