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How often do you think, just screw it all?

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    How often do you think, just screw it all?

    100 Million times a Day ! IAD
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      How often do you think, just screw it all?

      Dude...I have to fess up here...
      I've felt "screw it all" and tried it a few times,
      Don't know how I failed either... someone up there loves me,
      I cut, I swalowd, I even inhailed half a can of butain gas...
      But when I'm sober and I think about it, it's so selfish,
      what I would make all the people around me feel... my mom, my dad, my BROTHER!!!
      Ya, it's easy to think that, and it's the easy way out... but you have a babe of your own now, you have a true and solid reason to stick around! What would your wife and kids do without you? They need you now! Emotionaly and other wise...So Sick around with us man...mabe you could help us as well with what you're going share...
      I can only wish you all the best luck, Gods blessings and love,
      And I know I'm not speeking for myself when I say I'ld love to here more from ya..


        How often do you think, just screw it all?

        Hey Spincycle.. I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. You are getting so much advice from everyone, it's just wonderful! Sometimes, though, too much information makes me spin out - I don't know about you. I tend to gather, gather and look for the magic pill. I am not sure, but maybe some down time might be another idea. Have you ever thought about an in-patient situation. There are a lot of options there. There are centers that cater to working people, where you go after work and stay for the night for a period of time. They do test and start behavior modifications, etc. I know it sounds hard to be away from your family, but arn't we away when we drink - maybe worse? Or, taking a leave for a month - I know my insurance covers that? 30 Days sounds like along time, I don't know about you - but looking back 30 days out of my drinking carreer - it's just a flash in the pan!! Not sure what yoru circimstances are, but I thought I would throw this one out. Sometimes it takes rewiring our habitual patterns along with meds and supplements to get us out of the trap. Our mental health and mental clarity is as important as the phycical - meaning the meds are important, but getting our mind in a good place is key. Having a solid mental foundation is key so to the meds have a foundation to work from, that's my thought, anyway. You mentioned you have tried everything, including a very long list of meds and are still drinking a litre of vodka a day. Uping the doses may be the ticket, but it might really be helpful to get out of the loop for a while to break the spinclycle??? Hope I'm not bbeing too personal.. just wanted to give my opinion.

        p.s.. I can speak from a bit of experience. I was on almost all the meds in the past. Now I only take 50mgs of topamax, and the rest natural supplements. It took a while, but I feel better for it.

        I wish you all the best and will be sending you my prayers!

        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

