I've already destroyed my business and reputation, I think my wife is at the last straw, I cannot get out of my funk/depression, no damn meds make me feel better, and every day I am constantly exausted. Counseling is not helping, nor is campral/kudzu at this point. The only thing I looked forward to was the drink, but just temporarily as I woke of the next day feeling like hell.
I feel like a$$ sober, and only slightly worse drunk. I have a baby who I adore, I want to do this so I can see him grow up. I do not think I am suicidal, but I'm halfway to resigning myself.
WTF is the point of quitting booze if I just feel as bad, or maybe worse. I cannot win.
Even in my horrible state people who don't know me think I have some wonderful/fruitful/engaging life but every day is the worst day of my life. Each day I have to will myself to get out of bed and simply do the most mundane and mindless tasks. I've tried nearly dozens of anti-depressants yet nothing works. I've spent a few hundred hours in counseling with the bare minimum of result.
So...do you ever just say "screw it all to hell?"