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topa issue

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    topa issue

    Gabby, great idea to start the topa thread, as here's a question that I know has been addressed, but now I'm having a difficult time going back through all the posts trying to get the answers I'm looking for.
    This is my 2nd week on topa and I'm liking it for the fact that my cravings are greatly reduced. I mean sometimes it's 9pm and I haven't even thought of having a glass of wine....unimaginable!!! Anyway, that's the good part, the bad part, is that my stomach is so upset and after I take it at around 4pm my head begins throb. L-glut will help a little with the headache. I could easily go to bed around 8, but I have to get the kids in bed, etc., so by the time I get to bed, I'm tired, grumpy, and my head is aching. I do, however, wake up hangover free...a good thing. Now, I won't even go into detail about the di-a-re-ah...ugh. Anyway, tomorrow I up the dose to 75mg and wonder how long these affects will last and what dosage everyone finds they have leveled out on, I mean I honestly can't see myself taking 300mg a day of topa..yuck. BUT I will if that's the case. Anyway, think it was Rebecca?? maybe that had a website, something about crazymeds and side effects?? can't find that post either. Thanks for the feedback.

    topa issue

    Hey SC,

    If you are having these side effects and you're doing okay, why not stay at the 50 mg dose for another week and see if they ease up? Some people do better titrating up more slowly. Also, not all people do need to go to the 300 mgs of topa. Look in the program updates on the opening page of the website for the latest.

    It's weird that the topa is giving you headaches, since it's a med for migraines...although some people do get them. Are you sure it's not allergies? Not to butt in, but just checking...I've had less headaches of any kind on the topa, and when I have had them, it is usually my sinuses.

    Are you taking other supps? They can also cause *the runs*, as can the topa. I take fiber pills morning and night, which help. It will make you gassy at first (fun!:eek ) but that will even out. Also eating rice will help bind you up a bit, too. A lot of this stuff will throw you GI tract off at first, but it does even out with time.

    The funny thing for me is that what REALLY gives me the ummm *runs* now is drinking too much!!! My body is pretty used to the topa and supps, but when I drink too much, I spend lots of time the next day paying homage to the potty. Sad, but true.

    Anyway, I hope this helps!

    Kathy (alias, Color Guard Mom!)

