My ex husband and I broke up nearly 6 years ago and still he is so cruel to me. He says the nastiest things imaginable in emails. The latest is that I am 'a crap mother' amongst other things.
The first 2 years after we broke up, it was amicable and we actually got along really well, and one day he just snapped (literally) and has treated me appallingly ever since. This was around the same time as he started dating his now-wife. Our son is now 8 and for the past year he refuses to visit his father on weekends because of the bad vibes he gets there. Our son is able to put it into words now and recognises that my ex is hell bent on trying to turn our son against me. It's horrible beyond words! I never say a bad thing about my ex to our son... in fact, I say good things about him (despite how he makes me feel).
I always take the high road and pretend that it doesn't get me down but BY GOD... It gets me SO down! He only emails once every few months but it's started again today. I really think he needs counselling or something to get over these issues he has against me. He believes his own lies about me. He really does think that I am a terrible mother.
Before divorce, I always wondered how on earth these ugly divorces actually came about and thought that should I ever find myself in that situation that it would never happen to me. It gets me down so much! I could reach for a drink, let me tell you... but I won't! I am not going to let him get the better of me, which is exactly what he wants. I think he would love nothing more than to see my groveling in a gutter somewhere. I just can't relate to this sort of anger on any level which is probably why it upsets me so much.
He really believes that I am a bad mother and that I don't do enough for our son... anything that he can dream up to justify what a dismal job I am doing, he will find it.
Our son was diagnosed with Semantic Pragmatic disorder (autism spectrum) just after we seperated. I have done all the hard work... taking him to all sorts of therapists... the list goes on and on, since he was 3. He is in mainstream school and although is at the bottom of the class, he is coping well and seems normal to the outsider (he just learns in a different way to other kids, and is a bit slower than his peers). My ex has been in denial about this all along and I guess feels that it's my fault that Chris has this disorder (which ironically is genetic disorder from the male gene). He has been emailing me all afternoon with the cruelest accusations and resents paying child support for our son, and accusing me of spending the money on myself. I've replied suggesting that if he is resenting paying child support this much then he can stop and Mick (my fiance) could adopt him. He has just replied now saying that he is open to this idea and is going to cease paying child support, so I am going to look into it.
It's horrible beyond words and I'm trying so hard not to cry.