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I'm So Frustrated!! Any Suggestions??

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    I'm So Frustrated!! Any Suggestions??

    I'm So Frustrated!

    I just WOKE UP from yet another attempt at using the hypno cd's, this time the hypno part itself. To say that I feel >: >: >: is about right. I know it had played through, because it was back at the beginning again! I know that for many parts, it may not matter, as the suggestions will get in there anyway. But what about the parts where you are supposed to make suggestions to yourself about drinking and what YOU want to accomplish??? What if my unconscious was suggesting that I drink a gallon of wine tonight?:eek I can't imagine what I'm going to accomplish if I'm too busy getting my beauty sleep!>: >: I moved the time I do it up, and I fear that even if I do the tape shortly after I get up in the morning, I'd STILL fall back asleep. Am I going to have to listen on a bed of NAILS to stay awake? It occurred to me the other day that part of my resistance to listening to the tapes is that I chronically fall asleep while doing them, which really upsets me. (Not that I think any of you are missing how I'm feeling about this... )

    Anyway, thanks for letting me rant. If anyone has some feedback or suggestions, I'd appreciate it. General commentary/support are also welcome, of course!!


    I'm So Frustrated!! Any Suggestions??

    geesh, Kathy, that just stinks is all I can say.
    Last time I listened, I went "deeper and deeper" until I was waking up too! Felt kinda icky when I woke up as well... like I was startled or something by something he said. I think I got the first part of it in, so I know it did some good, but I know what you mean about the giving yourself suggestions part.
    Are you doing the 40min one or the 20 min one?
    I wonder if since you seem to get so relaxed so fast: , if you could perhaps fast forward thru the first several minutes where he is initially putting you under?? Just get right to the nitty gritty!
    Or triple espresso.
    :d Becca


      I'm So Frustrated!! Any Suggestions??


      I make the suggestions to myself before I start listening to the tapes. Then I just let it go. I know that I have fallen asleep during the tapes, but that does not matter to me., as I have had the desired effect. Just let it go for a few times and dont worry about it. Just get relaxed zzzzzz. Huh OK I am awake now. The hypnotism still works on your subconciousness when you are asleep, thats why the sleeping tape works. Blimey I should be getting a commission for selling this stuff. Kathy, relax, take it easy, be happy, that is a tune somewhere.

      good luck


        I'm So Frustrated!! Any Suggestions??

        Hi, Kathy.

        I think that's good advice about listening to the second track (20 minutes) if it's the first one that's putting you to sleep. Also, you said you'd consider doing it earlier in the day, which may be helpful. Here's what the hypnotherapist says in response to this concern--which he is often asked about:

        "If you ?wake up? at the end of the hypnotic recording then you were not asleep. You were in a somnambulistic (very deep) level of hypnosis and your subconscious mind brought you out of hypnosis. This is good. If you do not wake up at the end of the clearing and/or hypnotic recordings the question is ?did you enter hypnosis before you fell asleep?. If yes then your subconscious mind is engaged even if you are not consciously. This is good. If no they are still at least 90% effective but I recommend listening to the hypnotic and clearing recordings sitting up or at a time when you are most alert."

        I've been in touch with others who've also said they become so relaxed they fall asleep. Switching to an earlier time of day has been helpful to them. (Dr. Garcia counsels people to not exercise later than six hours prior to bedtime if it interferes with sleep. Maybe you could use this to your advantage and do your sessions shortly after your workout?)

        And I wouldn't be concerned about your subconscious mind undermining your efforts to drink moderately. You know what your goals are.

        We've got some good articles about hypnosis in general and self hypnosis specifically in our research area. One is a patient guide to hypnosis. (Note the suggestion about repeating auto suggestions three times--very much like what Kirky is doing, but before starting the session.)Another discusses energy therapy and focused self hypnosis.

        Hope this helps!



          I'm So Frustrated!! Any Suggestions??

          Thanks Becca, Kirky and RJ for the suggestions and support! I think that the real key will be doing them in the morning, and perhaps after exercise will be the key. I guess that means I will have to be more dedicated to my exercise, huh?? Kirky, I have been going over my suggestions before I do the hypno, because I can be so scattered that I am afraid I would forget them anyway and be going "UH, UH, UH," when he asks for them later in the tape! Although, as you know, by that time I am asleep or very deeply into it, as you have suggested, RJ. Maybe I'm not taking a real "nap", because I am waking up when the track starts over again. And believe me, I know how to nap!!|I |I |I

          Kirky, I will take your suggestion and put a little more effort into my pre-hypno experience, and RJ, I will read the research that you have highlighted above. Thanks! I appreciate your responses so much. I was about to spit nails earlier!!! Now I'm feeling VERRRRRYY NICE!:d



            I'm So Frustrated!! Any Suggestions??

            Just following up. I have been successful in my last few experiences with the cd's. I do them in my bed (still saving for a laz-y-boy!!!). I sit fairly upright with lots of pillows behind my back, and two pillows under my knees. Also a pillow in my lap to support my hands (and also hides my mp3 player and most of the cord, since my cat, Nikki, thinks that the cord to the earpieces is a toy!) I have been doing them in the mid-morning or early afternoon.

            I am aware of going very deeply into trance, almost to the edge of sleep, but still remembering what happened. Feeling better now!!!

            Thanks again!!:d

