I just WOKE UP from yet another attempt at using the hypno cd's, this time the hypno part itself. To say that I feel >: >: >: is about right. I know it had played through, because it was back at the beginning again! I know that for many parts, it may not matter, as the suggestions will get in there anyway. But what about the parts where you are supposed to make suggestions to yourself about drinking and what YOU want to accomplish??? What if my unconscious was suggesting that I drink a gallon of wine tonight?:eek I can't imagine what I'm going to accomplish if I'm too busy getting my beauty sleep!>: >: I moved the time I do it up, and I fear that even if I do the tape shortly after I get up in the morning, I'd STILL fall back asleep. Am I going to have to listen on a bed of NAILS to stay awake? It occurred to me the other day that part of my resistance to listening to the tapes is that I chronically fall asleep while doing them, which really upsets me. (Not that I think any of you are missing how I'm feeling about this...

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant. If anyone has some feedback or suggestions, I'd appreciate it. General commentary/support are also welcome, of course!!