I decided to reach out to my peeps for some thoughts on this other paralyzing habit of mine. I'm a great one to give advice I can't seem to follow.
You guys are so correct about this venture of ours to be sober-minded being all about courage. Things start to clear up without the mask of drunkeness, and we begin to see ourselves for who we really are. I am crippled by fear of what others think of me. Not in a vain way, but rather things like, am I friendly enough, concerned enough, DOING enough etc..
Yesterdays discussion really hit a raw nerve with me. I'm also reading a book called Approval Addiction by Joyce Meyers which has been wonderful and awful all at once. I see my disfunction on every page, and for the first time in my life I feel so sad for the little girl inside my thirty-nine year old body. How can I possibly believe I can make EVERYONE happy with me? Even so, I obsessively try, making myself sick in the process.
Watching all of you wonderful souls in your journey has given me the courage to face this truth. I can finally admit what might be behind my self-destructive bingeing, and be free to live again.
Please share your thoughts as I suspect there are many of us struggling with this issue.