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My first experience of the Dopa

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    My first experience of the Dopa

    I was just trying to sign into this site - I mean, I sign into this site everyday about maybe 10-20 times (yeah I know...) and I was typing in - and couldnt figure out why it wasent working......:lol

    My first experience of the Dopa

    Welcome to DOPALAND!!:d


      My first experience of the Dopa

      lol.....and you have only had one pill....right?
      My first experience of topa dopa was......
      (I havent shared this with you ladies yet, long but good)

      OK...the day BEFORE I started, I lost my Topamax! I mean I looked Hell and High water for it. See, my doc gave me a sample bottle of it. It had 42-25mg pills in it. It was this big yellow box with a big TOPAMAX on it. Oh my GOD it runied my day. I looked abd looked and looked. I know you guys have done that before. Turned upside the whole house. You just know its somewhere. You are rackin your brains out. You get to the point where you are lookin where there is NO POSSIBLE way it could be. Icebox, freezer, washer and dryer, bbq grill, kids rooms, under the stairs, etc. Hell, ya even suspect the kids. "What did you guys do with it"? Was begining to wonder
      if the s*#t had a street value.
      Needless to say the whole day had gone by with never finding it. I finally ended up calling the doc again and telling him. They had me come in for anther sample bottle. (sorry to you guys who cant get topa at all. Believe me I have felt guilty about this for 35 days now. Actually feel good to get this part off my chest : )
      Anyway, I go to get my other bottle and guess where my next stop guess right! The liquor store for my last 12/pk. The one that I boo-hooed through the last few. Yep, I finished the whole thing off which I didnt usually get past 8-9. So I really tied one on for my last night. I had myself so worked up over the damm topa and a few other things too.

      Now the funny thing is as soon as I came home, cracked open a beer and took the topa out of the big yellow box......ha, there I saw that little topamax bottle and I knew just where I put the one from the day before. It was in the perfectly safe place that I put it where I knew no one would bother it, so I could start takin it that day. I went right there and low and behold........DANG if it wasn't just sittin right there in front of me. I had been lookin for the yellow box instead of the bottle all day. hummm. Sometimes......I REALLY DO scare myself.

      The moral of this story is.......
      And we question the power of hypnotherapy!
      When look at the mere mention of topa dopa. We may take just ONE PILL, or for even some of us....NO PILL.......and WAAA LAAAA.....
      Topa Dopa! magic eh?
      There is some serious power of suggestion....ya think?
      gabby :b


        My first experience of the Dopa

        Yesterday afternoon, I called my hubby and asked him what we were going to "dig" for supper. LOL
        Hey - I dont feel the dopa today though. Could my system be getting used to it already (day 3 - started it monday)

