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Army thread Wednesday 6 November

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    Army thread Wednesday 6 November

    Anon-a-whizz, did you go running?

    OK Molls, boeretroos it is. Don't get too excited about Saffa bedtimes: I'm good for long stretch yet - that gobbledygook needs attention

    JC, makes up for the many lifts you must have had to give the S&H, not?
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army thread Wednesday 6 November

      Morning all (well those of you who haven't yet gone to work)

      Good luck with the op zenny. Will you be home again same day, then?

      Ok, so that's halloween and bonfire night successfully negotiated, should be safe now until Christmas. :goodjob:


        Army thread Wednesday 6 November

        Happy Hump Day all!!!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          Army thread Wednesday 6 November

          mollyka;1581595 wrote: Morning Waggie!

          Well I'd say that's a relief anyway Recs --- did Amy hate the banging etc? What about yourself? How you doing? Don't get to chat much these days --- we're like ships that pass in the night:H
          Morning molls 'n waggie

          No...she was fine with the fireworks actually. She had a "scary sounds" CD played to her a lot when she was younger, so she seems to take most loud noises in her stride now. She did make me laugh a bit last night when she had a barking contest with a dog on the tv though! :nutso:

          Haven't been posting much lately, I'm afraid. I wake up quite late and then have to have a nana nap in the evening so there aren't enough hours in the day. Really don't know what's going on there but it's deffo not booze related so...

          Are you feeling refreshed after your time off work or is it all a distant memory now?


            Army thread Wednesday 6 November

            mollyka;1581597 wrote: Just spotted a brilliant app. for a phone --- reeprewards --- you just take a photo of a receipt of practically everything you buy -- it goes into the app. and once you go over 50 euro's 'reward' you just cash it out --- no more friggin loyalty cards or anything ---- how clever is THAT!!!! Must go put it on my phone --- NOW!!!!
            Oh...I detest loyalty cards. I once got one cos I was so fed up with the checkout assistant always asking me if I had one, then when I got it she would always ask if I was saving my points. Can't win!!! Grrrr!!!.......:gramps:


              Army thread Wednesday 6 November

              That was the best part of 20 years ago though, so maybe things have changed a bit since then?


                Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                mollyka;1581602 wrote: Yep -- I am refreshed alright --- just sort of naturally tired getting back to the normal day-to-day work stuff --- but it was THE most relaxing couple of weeks!
                I do think when our body starts sleeping of it's own accord as opposed to drink-collapse --- it needs to catch up a bit --- I would consider it a really good thing tbh --- if you chose to you can 'play' with it now a bit --- you know -- if you want longer night sleep - try cutting out the naps --- but if it suits you..... well, no problem then --- it's an absolute GIFT when proper sleep turns up again imo!!!!

                gawd - me too!!! AND --- both Joe an I have loyalty cards for friggintesco's --- there's one next door to his shop so he uses it a bit for lunches etc. and if I try to reclaim my vouchers --- you have to present the right vouchers with the right card --- FFS -- sods law you'd have the right one 50% of the time ---- RIGHT???????? ------ WRONG!!!!!
                Now I really must do a bitta ironing afore I head to the bike shop ---- talk laters lovelies xxx
                Glad you're feeling refreshed and relaxed molly - sometimes when folks go away they come back even more stressed than they were before they left.

                Think you might have a point there about the body sleeping of its own accord. I hadn't thought of it like that. You're full of wisdom, aren't you?!!! :l


                  Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                  mollyka;1581568 wrote: eeerrmm --- coffee'll do

                  So didn't want to get out of the leaba this morning --- life will be a bit busier now tho with Joe working every day -- so fire needs cleaning out -- washing done - dinner made etc etc afore I head off on my late shiftYou are a saint Molls :angelgirl:- hope that gang appreciate you
                  Zenstyle;1581578 wrote:
                  If they don't keel me (I KEEL you!!!) I'll see yiz later in the day. I went out and bought myself loads of treats yesterday so I better be feeling good enough to eat all this shit later!

                  Hope everything went ok Zeners - and you are now recovering

                  mollyka;1581617 wrote: Not really wisdom at all Recs --- just my experience!!! I do remember that mad sleepiness alright -- and then it got confused with my B12 deficiency --- but I do think it was early sobriety a lot of it --- I wish looking back I'd just embraced that sleepiness as a good thing - a healing thing, rather than fighting it -- mind you - going out to work it was somewhat of a handicap!!!!
                  Exactly Molls - posted on that subject last night - but I really am enjoying the doziness at night after years of bad sleep
                  mollyka;1581618 wrote:
                  Oh yeah --- re. the hols and stress etc. back in the drinking days I used to come home WRECKED -- like not just hungover or anything like that --- just totally BOLLIXED --- used to take at least a week to recover!!!

                  Laters x
                  And agree again - until this year I was the same. Totally FECKED after a holiday - could take 2 more days before I could even face work :yuk:


                    Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                    Oh and HELLO rest of Army :hiya:
                    In the workhouse at the moment - heading home soon - catch yiz laters this eve :thumbs:


                      Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                      Recluse;1581605 wrote: Glad you're feeling refreshed and relaxed molly - sometimes when folks go away they come back even more stressed than they were before they left.

                      Think you might have a point there about the body sleeping of its own accord
                      . I hadn't thought of it like that. You're full of wisdom, aren't you?!!! :l
                      :stomper: ME ME ME Recmeister !
                      I've been banging on for weeks about loving the REAL sleep !!!:upset:


                        Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                        Yoohooooo, anybody home?

                        Fine, I'll just mumble to myself then. Horrendous wind here - will have to shout my mumblings otherwise you won't hear a thing.

                        Decided to have a nana nap around 2 - at the exact moment that a neighbour decided to test drive all his power tools. Not really: he's busy paving his driveway, so it was a compactor and an angle grinder going at full speed and top volume. Boys and noisy toys... So, I'm still up. Satz, please send that real sleep over here, will look after it well (JC even trusted me with Bess last night, so your sleep is safe) and I'll return it in the morning. Promise. Thank you.

                        Later! (I don't yawn in public:H:H)
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                          :hallo: Army

                          Phew! What a day. Only now able to sit down and take a few deep breaths. Spent a total of 11 hours at the office today :upset: Tomorrow had better not be a repeat.

                          Hope everyone's well - haven't read back.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                            Evening all,

                            Funny how you're all talking about sleep and I've just woken up from a mega nanna nap..........must have needed it. Haven't slept like that for weeks.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                              JackieClaire;1581733 wrote: Evening all,

                              Funny how you're all talking about sleep and I've just woken up from a mega nanna nap..........must have needed it. Haven't slept like that for weeks.
                              Now you'll be awake all night making all kinda demands for water & biscuits :bat:


                                Army thread Wednesday 6 November

                                DreamThinkDo;1581713 wrote: Yoohooooo, anybody home?

                                Fine, I'll just mumble to myself then. Horrendous wind here - will have to shout my mumblings otherwise you won't hear a thing.

                                Decided to have a nana nap around 2 - at the exact moment that a neighbour decided to test drive all
                                his power tools. Not really: he's busy paving his driveway, so it was a compactor and an angle grinder going at full speed and top volume. Boys and noisy toys... So, I'm still up. Satz, please send that real sleep over here, will look after it well (JC even trusted me with Bess last night, so your sleep is safe) and I'll return it in the morning. Promise. Thank you.

                                Later! (I don't yawn in public)
                                Still up DTD ?
                                What time is it in Saffaland - 10pm ?
                                :H:H at the neighbour with angle grinder . WTF is an angle grinder :H
                                And that's a :no: on sending the sleep over !

