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ONE more time - my journal

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    ONE more time - my journal

    Poor Mollers! That'll learn ya... for coming in the winter 'n all :H

    Aww.. Rustyredlocks... just sent ya a msg... too bad about your trip. Mind you, roaring fire sounds way better than stomping through shops, if you ask me!

    And now, I shall educate myself on Ford Nation and its leader's latest escapades. Choclolate cake???
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      ONE more time - my journal

      Dear Diary,
      Just plodding along here... nothing much new or exciting.
      Trip to the semi-big smoke tomorrow and Saturday, girl time with daughter, peanut time with.. well.. Peanut, dinner with a friend, and MRI at 1:25am. What an ungodly hour.

      Doing ok, although having a bit of a blah week. Winter can stop any time now.
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        ONE more time - my journal

        Trip done, happy to be home.
        No drinking thoughts but feeling a bit off-ish.
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          ONE more time - my journal

          Hi Sunshine!

          I don't usually post here (haven't been posting anywhere much lately!) but wanted to say how proud I am of your accomplishment! You are doing so great! Don't let winter get to you - spring is just around the corner - well maybe not "just around the corner" but it's getting closer! LOL. :l


            ONE more time - my journal

            :H Sure doesn't look like Spring is on the horizon over
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              ONE more time - my journal

              Phew. Tough morning.
              Son is in jail, charged with domestic assault. Not sure what to think. Generally, it is him who gets beat up by the missus when they are drinking. I know of no time where he ever raised a hand against a woman. Guys, yeah. Walls and doors, yeah.

              There's nothing I can do over the weekend, will go to court Monday morning. Feeling shitty.
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                ONE more time - my journal

                Oh no Sunni. It just never ends with the kids, does it? My oldest is 30 and still constant drama. I'm thinking of you and sending you positive vibes for strength. :l


                  ONE more time - my journal

                  :l Thank you, ladies :l

                  I'm sorry that you are having similar troubles... although, you didn't have to tell me that your young men are THIRTY! Seriously though... it sucks. They are supposed to be out and about, building happy and productive lives. Thankfully, the serenity prayer and a sincere effort to defer things to the universe have kept me sane (and sober). Not sure how I'll feel tomorrow.. but that is tomorrow. I will deal with it then.
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    ONE more time - my journal


                    I saw that you are more than 100 days sober on the Super thread, and came here to congratulate you, only to see the troubles you're having with your son. So sorry - I can't imagine that stress.

                    My kids are 14 and 12 - just embarking on the independence/you make your own choices/serenity prayer years. My sister was a hellion - really awful, and then she snapped out of it, got a degree and became a teacher. But those years were very hard on the family.

                    Thinking of you - you sound strong to get through it.


                      ONE more time - my journal

                      Thank you, Pavati :l

                      Hopefully, yours won't be the hell raisers mine were. Well, just one of them (the one in trouble now).

                      To make matters worse, Mr. Sun is scrambling right now to get my truck fit... noticed a flat front tire today... after putting new tires on yesterday. This is one appointment tomorrow I don't want to miss. Wish me luck!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        ONE more time - my journal

                        Well, that's done and over with.
                        I'm gonna try and get him to come to an AA meeting with me tonight. He does realize that alcohol is a big problem in his life and that every time he meets trouble, alcohol is involved. I'm hoping to capitalize on him feeling pretty down and out right now.
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          ONE more time - my journal

                          It took me a minute, but I finally realized you were talking about your son and not Mr. Sun. Derp.

                          Did he have to stay in jail over the weekend? I hope that he's willing to consider going to a meeting with you. And I really hope that this is a turning point in his life. :l


                            ONE more time - my journal

                            Hey Fly,
                            Yes, he (junior, not Mr. Sun :H) did get the whole experience of being shackled and jailed in the next big town over (2 hours away). He is quite distraught (thank dawg) and feeling pretty low.

                            Again... adaptation to the serenity prayer: ... grant me the serenity to accept the kids I cannot kill....

                            We'll get through this. And, I, too, hope that this will be a big wake up call for him.
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              ONE more time - my journal

                              Last night's AA meeting was probably the most difficult I've ever done. There's something utterly heart breaking about seeing your child go through the same shit you have.

                              One of the old timers took him under his wings, though.. and may be taking him to a meeting in another town on Wednesday. Which would be great, because I'm at a women's meeting on Wednesday nights.

                              I'm glad that he (junior) is at least open to the idea and definitely recognizes that he has a problem. He also rejects the idea of a Higher Power (wonder where he gets that from) and I'm sure it will take him a while to find his own definition. If he sticks with it. Which I really really hope.
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                ONE more time - my journal

                                Well, junior is off to work... thankfully, he still has his job. Whew. Unfortunately, this means he won't be able to go to a meeting tonight with the old timer. He'll be home too late. And, I'm going to my own women's group tonight - I'll actually be chairing the meeting. Have not done that before. It's a very small group, though... so I'm not too worried.

                                I'll see if I can convince him to go to Friday night's meeting on his own, or find him a ride (not difficult). Mr. Sun has asked me to take the night off (AA) to go out for dinner. Valentine's day 'n all.
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

