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Army thread Saturday 9 November

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    Army thread Saturday 9 November

    Morning Army

    Coffee's ready - help yourself. Just wash your own mugs, ok? It's not a five-star hotel, as my mum kept reminding us brats. Not that we ever paid much attention to that.

    Foggy here, everything is serene and muted ... peaceful. We even had some rain last (or very heavy dew). Still can't get used to the soft, gentle rain here in the Cape. Rain should be an opera, with a long overture - massive clouds building up, thunder, lightning, and only then should the rain come crashing down, with that amazing smell of big fat drops on hot soil. Here it's more like chamber music: very polite and proper and subdued - Sunday mannersy. Good in it's own way, but I want to know that it's raining.

    Anyway, enough of that - have a good Saturday, all of you.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Saturday 9 November

    Good morning, Dreamy and all to come.

    Where are you from originally? Judging by your description of proper rain, the Highveld comes to mind. It's sunny on this side of the mountain.

    The eldest cub is writing economics this morning. Dunno why their school decided to do it that way, but never mind. I'll give him another 30 minutes and then wake him up. The rest of the bunch, cats and dog included, are still fast asleep. Usually there'll be a stampede for food bowls or the door, but they seem to sense it's the weekend.

    Have a lekker day, everyone, whatever you have planned.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army thread Saturday 9 November

      Morning Tips!

      Enjoy having the house to yourself - the quiet before the storm!

      Playing 20 Questions again? Born in the Green Kalahari, then Highveld, Bushveld, semi-desert again - I sound like a nomad!

      Quick trip to the shops, then register for next year's elections, and then off to do some serious farming.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army thread Saturday 9 November

        :goodjob: on doing your civic duty.

        Enjoy the planting. There's life in the house now, so I also need to get my arse in gear. See you laters.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army thread Saturday 9 November

          Good morning to the astronomer and stargazer!

          Civic duty done - I was the first person to register, took me all of 5 minutes! Shopping done, and very glad about it: it looks as if the circus has come to town.
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army thread Saturday 9 November

            Good morning Dreamy, MrT, Molls and all :hallo:

            Sorry been absent but just haven't stopped past few days with work and whatnot- soooooo utterly banjaxed could cry:upset: Last day in work today thank God and me Aunt got good news Thursday- the growth they got was 'borderline' cancerous- so no treatment required just 6 monthly check-ups Big weight off our shoulders!

            Hope yis are all well- hopefully get catchin up over next few days- have a good Saturday folks xx

            And yeah Molls its bloody freezing up here anyhows!!(((


              Army thread Saturday 9 November

              Sweetypea, wonderful news about your aunt - the two of you must be so relieved!

              Molly, most farmers provide transport to town for their workers to do their shopping, either on a Fri afternoon or Sat morning. I feel sorry for them - despite the circus joke: long queues at the ATMs, then shopping for the week, other errands. They don't have it easy.
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army thread Saturday 9 November

                Sorry, had to laugh at the shall I say punchline?
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread Saturday 9 November

                  Morning all!

                  Fantastic news about your aunty Sweetie :whee:

                  No idea what I'm going to do today, himself announced he would be spending the day in bed as he thought he was catching a cold - we will see, he has spent the night comatose without even snoring, bloody men

                  Other than taking the hound for his morning stroll, I might make a vat of spag bol sauce for the freezer/lunches and wash the kitchen floor but that'll be about it I reckon, will lurk on the computer and watch rubbish on tv, its bright but cold - the kind of day when I wish we had a proper fire.
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army thread Saturday 9 November

                    Gooooooooooooood morning Dreamydooo, Tipperoooo, Mollymooo, Sweetypie, Spidysylve

                    sweetpea29;1582644 wrote:

                    Sorry been absent but just haven't stopped past few days with work and whatnot- soooooo utterly banjaxed could cry:upset: Last day in work today thank God and me Aunt got good news Thursday- the growth they got was 'borderline' cancerous- so no treatment required just 6 monthly check-ups Big weight off our shoulders!

                    Hope yis are all well- hopefully get catchin up over next few days- have a good Saturday folks xx

                    And yeah Molls its bloody freezing up here anyhows!!(((
                    That is just so wonderful to read...........about your Aunt not that yer banjaxed. We'll have a wee spa day on the Army for you tomorrow, hun.

                    mollyka;1582647 wrote:
                    Aahhh -- gotcha!! sounds pretty dismal for them aright!
                    Achully it was in a Capetown supermarket I saw someone the closest to alcoholic poisoning without hospitalisation I have EVER seen --- he was literally green --- eye's rolling and fainted twice - luckily up against a sorta barrier so he didn't fall down --- it was awful to watch ---- and d'ya'know what made it even MORE awful............

                    it was my husband:H
                    I know it's not funny but :H:H:H
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread Saturday 9 November

                      Molly, I want to be at the next day after the wedding in your family, please please please. Sounds like chaotic fun.

                      Spidey, only way to cope with the dreaded manflu is to get out of the house - fast. the kitchen floor can wait.

                      Morning JC! Any plans today?
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army thread Saturday 9 November

                        Morning all :hallo:

                        Great news about yiour aunt, peapie. It must be a massive relief for you all.

                        It's nearly freezing this morning - 3C or so - and the feckin boiler packed up in the night, so no hot water or central heating. No chance of getting a plumber/heating engineer today, so all activities involving mud are suspended forthwith. and the weekend will be spent huddled round the electric fire with lots of hot drinks. Gawd, I hope this isn't going to be a repeat of last winter cos the heating packing up was what tipped me over the edge. Gonna e-mail the engineer a bit later and try to find out when he might be able to come out.


                          Army thread Saturday 9 November

                          Oh haven't decided yet................but isn't it nice to know that whatever we decide it doesn't revolve around drinking.

                          Mr JC's orff to his Ma & Pa's to do a bit of leaf raking and making sure they do what the doctor's ordered.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Saturday 9 November

                            Oh nooooo Reccie that's my biggest fear, no heating though we're lucky in that there's a plumber who's always willing to help living over the road and a council maintenance man who'll help, saved me loads of times. Snuggle up to Amy, dogs are always warm. Still here, wondering if his lordship downstairs on his sofa will allow another cup of tea before we go for a walk, might chance it, back in a mo.
                            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                              Army thread Saturday 9 November

                              No way am I going to get out of bed if it's that cold, Rec. Use Amy as a hottie & stay put - colour in your avatar or something.

                              JC, the clueless weekends are the bestest!

                              Put in 4 different types of tomato seeds, some heirloom, some the boring garden variety, also baby marrows. Now for the Aztec plot - sweetcorn, beans, butternut.
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

