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Army thread Saturday 9 November

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    Army thread Saturday 9 November

    JackieClaire;1582784 wrote: YOU................WILL.................LOVE...... ............IT.

    I promise.
    Tell me more JC.
    I have S&H home most of December avec GF - stress -'cos I love my space & routine these days and a lot of going out will be the order of the day.
    10 for dinner on the 'C' day and will be stressed to the hilt :upset:


      Army thread Saturday 9 November

      JackieClaire;1582768 wrote: I don't want to be cured.....if I was cured I wouldn't have the lot of you lovely, wondrous, gorgeous people to talk to...........

      Anyhoo what would be the cure.......discuss
      I think the elusive 'cure' means - to be 'normal'
      • being able to take or leave alcohol
      • Have a beer - don't have a beer - fall asleep half way though bottle 1 on the sofa..Leave half a glass at dinner 'cos you can't be arsed
      Bought Allen Carr's book. Just to reiterate a few home truths about alcohol to myself coming up to Christmas - when Mr S et al go into festive drinking overdrive and I'll be feeling a bore again :upset:


        Army thread Saturday 9 November

        Boiler reportage - my plumber/heating engineer chappy is coming to have a look see tomorrow morning. :yay: Soooo pleased!


          Army thread Saturday 9 November

          Recluse;1582791 wrote: Boiler reportage - my plumber/heating engineer chappy is coming to have a look see tomorrow morning. :yay: Soooo pleased!
          YAY inkele:inkele:


            Army thread Saturday 9 November

            satz123;1582787 wrote: Tell me more JC.
            I have S&H home most of December avec GF - stress -'cos I love my space & routine these days and a lot of going out will be the order of the day.
            10 for dinner on the 'C' day and will be stressed to the hilt :upset:
            Lists, lots of lists and delegation. Everything peeled, chopped and ready to go the following day. Best china, cutlery and glasses out. They can effing wash up. It's your Christmas as well.

            Don't think of it as depriving yourself. You'll be able to watch all the Chimbo goodies on TV, go for a nap, eat your body weight in cheese and chocolate without feeling guilty.

            I'm sure I've got more but I'm in and out of the kit hen.

            You see there's only 4 of us Chrimbo day it's Boxing Day (St Stephens) when there's a house load.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread Saturday 9 November

              JackieClaire;1582781 wrote: Firstly :goodjob: on those tough first 5 days, bet you wouldn't want to go through those again.
              That is a really good point JC.

              satz123;1582780 wrote: Just a lot of hard work & fuss imo - and scary as my first sober Christmas since I was 15 I'd say :egad:
              Sounds as though you've already made up your mind about it being a sober Christmas satzy :goodjob:

              satz123;1582787 wrote:
              10 for dinner on the 'C' day and will be stressed to the hilt :upset:
              And of course you'll have a much better chance of successfully cooking for 10 if you're sober.


                Army thread Saturday 9 November

                Recluse;1582791 wrote: Boiler reportage - my plumber/heating engineer chappy is coming to have a look see tomorrow morning. :yay: Soooo pleased!
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army thread Saturday 9 November

                  Here comes another couple................gravy granules.............and buy yourself something really, really nice that you've wanted forever..................wrap it, put it under the tree with a tag that says LOVE FROM SANTA XXX
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army thread Saturday 9 November

                    :welcome: Nailz :welcome:
                    You've got half the weekend done, and once you've done a full week, things really do get easier. Still not a piece of cake, but you've some point of reference: nothing to drink this day a week ago, and you made it - that's a great feeling. For some reason, wheelie-bin days (sorry JC, but this is important) are the best: NO CLANKING BOTTLES! It's a silly thing, but it cheers me no end. You'll find your own private victories.

                    And the pissed-offness: you're just being aware of what's happening around you. In the past, as long as there was a glass in my hand, my world was fine and dandy - and I avoided the outside world to a large degree, so that I could be in my own place. Things will piss you off, but it's so much easier to deal with things when you're sober and clear-headed than when you're struggling with a foggy mind.

                    So: hang on there for dear life. It's good to have you here!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army thread Saturday 9 November

                      :hah you are all lovely people :l
                      Now time to get my arse in gear - do something healthy - walk in park.
                      Managed to buy a watch & a pedometer while feckin yapping on here.

                      The watch I coveted when I saw on someone else - from Argos - not expensive but loverly - THAT will be the under the tree pressie JC !

                      Later mes petites .......................
                      ps : where is Froglet : Foxy : Blondie : Questy ?????


                        Army thread Saturday 9 November

                        I managed a matching duvet cover and curtains one year...........kept Mr JC going all afternoon before I told him.

                        Right I must go and do something house wifey. Shouldn't be long.:H
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army thread Saturday 9 November

                          So what's with all the Z'z here: Zen, Satz, Whizzy, and now Nailz?

                          Rec is fine: he can at least become Recluze, Tips Tipz, JC Jaxz

                          What about the rezt of uz? :upset:

                          Do we have to change our namez? And what about all thoze ooooooooooooooooooooz that Jaxz bought at the ooooooooooooooooooooo shooooooooooooooooooooooooop?

                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Army thread Saturday 9 November

                            Recluse;1582791 wrote: Boiler reportage - my plumber/heating engineer chappy is coming to have a look see tomorrow morning. :yay: Soooo pleased!
                            Great news!

                            Satz was just about to take your advice re the AB and they are a year out of date

                            Interrupted by skype!!


                              Army thread Saturday 9 November

                              Hya Nailz and welcome:welcome:


                                Army thread Saturday 9 November

                                Thank you to everyone for your kind words, I have absorbed them and have taken strength from thank you xxxxxxx

