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Army thread Saturday 9 November

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    Army thread Saturday 9 November

    Hallo all
    Back from art exhibition - our tourism office holds one once a month, featuring a local artist. The wine cellars around here sponsor the wine, and all proceeds go to charity. Packed, which was really good, but people started leaving early - SA playing Wales, I hear.

    Book-in-bed time, so have a looooovely what's left of Sat evening :l:l
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army thread Saturday 9 November

      G'nite Dreamy. See you on the morrow.

      I didn't even realize there was rugby on, tbh.

      Haven't read back yet. We had a very busy day in the end, but winding down now. We all need to be in bed early, though. We need to get up at 4.45, leave the house an hour later, drive to CT and park near the finish. From there we take a train to the CBD for an 8.00 am start.

      Reportage, everyone?
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army thread Saturday 9 November

        X-post :wavin: Molls.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army thread Saturday 9 November

          Hi Ho Army!!! *wave*

          Anyone wanna rescue me? I'm stuck doing laundry :upset:

          Cannot stand laundry.
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Army thread Saturday 9 November

            mollyka;1582962 wrote: good god Tipps --- feel tired listening to that --- fair dues to you!!! If ANYONE tells me I have to do ANYTHING tomorrow I'm gonna smack them! How far are you walking?
            It's 10km Molls, but it involves a whole trek.

            It's a huge event. The largest of its kind in the world, if I'm not mistaken. All in aid of charity, so that serves as a bit of a motivator.

            I've already done the weekly shop, so we can just chill when we get back.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army thread Saturday 9 November

              sunshine_gg;1582966 wrote: Hi Ho Army!!! *wave*

              Anyone wanna rescue me? I'm stuck doing laundry :upset:

              Cannot stand laundry.
              Hiya gg.

              Mrs. T has a strange laundry fetish. A weekend isn't complete without her having done at least two loads. And we have a housekeeper three days a week, FFS. Luckily I don't need to get involved. Apparently I'm clueless about the correct way to put stuff on the line. I'll remain blissfully ignorant, methinks.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army thread Saturday 9 November

                Thanks Molls! My vote is still for disposable clothing! Nobody will listen, though.

                Well, as it was explained to me, in AA, you (everyone) is encouraged to say 'Yes' whenever possible. And, if the person I asked was to decline, it would not be personal. Principles before personalities

                So, I did summon my courage and asked, and she gave me a big smile and simply said 'Yes'

                Hello Tipps! That's quite the walk! 10K! *gulp*
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Army thread Saturday 9 November

                  mollyka;1582974 wrote: Ah - it'll be great! and a manageable distance too --- don't mind walking achully --- and it'll be good fun with so many people around --- are you (or have you already) giving us a link to sponsor you? I've 3 people I've promised to sponsor that I've only just remembered --- including Inchy --- gawd I feel awful --- forgot bout everything cos of the hols --- I will do and you as well ---- pwomise
                  They make their money through the entry fees and corporate sponsors. Individual participants don't raise money on their own.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army thread Saturday 9 November

                    :waving: Howyiz- orf to read back


                      Army thread Saturday 9 November

                      mollyka;1582992 wrote: how'r'ya Benjy? Where did you get to today?
                      A walk in the park - then the usual- Liffey Valley on the way home for salady stuff for the week what I :h.
                      I swear they'd send out a posse in M & S if I didn't turn up.:H


                        Army thread Saturday 9 November

                        Tipps... how would Mrs Tipps feel about a weekend trip to Canada!??? :H

                        See, Molly.. you get it! No idea where THAT much friggin laundry comes from.. the minute you think you're done, you turn around and there's another Mt. Laundrimanjaro!

                        :hallo: Satz!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Army thread Saturday 9 November

                          Big band night on X actor -all glitzy and glamour - great stuff :goodjob:


                            Army thread Saturday 9 November

                            Just gonna stick the kettle on................want a cup of tea anyone?
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army thread Saturday 9 November

                              mollyka;1583010 wrote: Just got one --- to have with my leftover cappuccino cake :-)
                              How's you?
                              Haven't done Xfactor at all this year Benj --- couldn't be arsed now --- saw the end of Strictly tho --- god they're good!
                              Ah sure - just watch for the live big band Molls - don't have ta have a favourite !


                                Army thread Saturday 9 November

                                Was just going to offer Mr JC's laundry service to SunnyGG but she must have gone to take another load out. With him being up at his Ma & Pa's all day I've had to do it...........just how many under dogs can a 25 year old wear in a week.

                                Only bits of X-Factor I've seen have been courtesy of Gogglebox on Channel 4.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

