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Army Thread Monday 11th November

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    Army Thread Monday 11th November

    I'm all fed-up:H, ready for a quite night in (so what's new, I hear everybody ask).

    Rec, I don't even want to open that link. What is it with some people?

    Zen, we do have grocery shops here, but sometimes it nice to wander around in a "new" place. Just remember to turn around every once in a while - bed sores :H:H and all that, you know...

    So no real news, Tips? What's the point of these non-events, except a bit of keep the slaves happy PR and a company meeting ticked off the list.

    Hope it's a hot bath, Rec?

    Later, all.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army Thread Monday 11th November

      Recluse;1583871 wrote:
      I'm up for a game zenny, but need a bath first cos I'm all muddy. It's so long since I've played I don't even know how to get started any more. I'll have a look in a little while.
      Can't remember myself either... last time I played was a game with you. I'll go and have a decko at it in a few and see if I can at least get the chat thingy on there working.

      Yeah, the recovery is going great. Staying off my feet does marvels. It'll be the first time I've ever done what I'm told and rested. The anesthesiologist called an hour ago to make sure I was resting, said they didn't want me admitted to the ER with anemia like the last time. I really do get the point though.

      Going to make a cuppa and then will take a look at Words...


        Army Thread Monday 11th November

        DreamThinkDo;1583895 wrote: I'm all fed-up:H, ready for a quite night in (so what's new, I hear everybody ask).
        Zen, we do have grocery shops here, but sometimes it nice to wander around in a "new" place. Just remember to turn around every once in a while - bed sores :H:H and all that, you know...

        We're getting two new organic type grocery stores and a Walmart grocery in the next 6-8 months. Can't wait! All three are right up the road from me and it will make grocery shopping so much better. One is a Trader Joe's, the other is a Fresh Market and then the Walmart Grocery store. I hate the frigginsupermarket and I think this will sort me out nicely. The Costco is about 10 mins away so with that and all I'll be landed.


          Army Thread Monday 11th November

          Eveninks my darlinks.

          Mr JC had the afternoon off to the horsepital to get his brand new shiny hip checked. It's still in the same place so it's all good. Got the go ahead to be a plasma donor again so he's well chuffed.

          Went up to the garden centre for a coffee and to have a look at all their Christmas stuff......funny how garden centres don't sell many plants these days. It's all woollie jumpers and Yankee candles. Could have got a tank full of exotic fish and a couple of domestic rats if I felt the need.

          I'm such a coward Reccy, just couldn't bear to look at the link. But eventually when he's not looking he'll get what's coming.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Monday 11th November

            Green with envy here, Zen - GREEN.

            Would love to have an organic market close by. I try to grow my veggies as organically as I can, but we are surrounded by orchards and vineyards, and the farmers spray from dusk to dawn to dusk again. Losing battle, but onward we shall soldier (or do something else:H:H)
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Army Thread Monday 11th November

              DreamThinkDo;1583909 wrote: Green with envy here, Zen - GREEN.

              Would love to have an organic market close by. I try to grow my veggies as organically as I can, but we are surrounded by orchards and vineyards, and the farmers spray from dusk to dawn to dusk again. Losing battle, but onward we shall soldier (or do something else:H:H)
              It's become quite the issue in this country with the GMO crops and pesticides infecting everyone's farms. But I've seen a lot of backlash towards Monsanto et al in the last few months alone and it's starting to look hopeful. That a Fresh Market and a Trader Joes would open up right beside each other is a damn good sign of better things to come.

              :wavin: Hiya Jacks! Good news on Sir Pee's hip.


                Army Thread Monday 11th November

                Yep he so overjoyed he's making tonight's dinner.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Monday 11th November

                  JackieClaire;1583921 wrote: Yep he so overjoyed he's making tonight's dinner.
                  That makes two of us being catered for then! I could get used to this...


                    Army Thread Monday 11th November

                    Zenstyle;1583922 wrote: That makes two of us being catered for then! I could get used to this...
                    I honestly just could not be arsed ..............oops I mean cook tonight.

                    Kofta meatballs.......nom nom nom.

                    Means I can continue searching the tinterweb for a wee watch for the luvverly Jenz.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Monday 11th November

                      Hi JC! Glad for the good news.

                      Totally relaxed after my bath, so off to bed.

                      Nite all - sleep well!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army Thread Monday 11th November

                        Hiya Mollers :hiya:

                        Whats the craic?

                        Just back from sw weigh in! Have only gone and lost a stone since starting- still cant believe it!!!


                          Army Thread Monday 11th November

                          Delighted that all good with Sir Pee's hip ::goodjob:

                          Nighters n sweet dreams Dreamy wan xx


                            Army Thread Monday 11th November

                            mollyka;1583953 wrote: :goodjob::goodjob::goodjob:
                            BRILLIANT young Peapants!!! Feckin delighted for you --- that's a serious amount of weight --- and you weren't even WHINGIN nor nothing --- I'da been whinging like a good thing bout the hunger!!!!! Have you gone down a dress size? Guessing you must have --- a stone is LOADS!!!!!
                            Ya know Molls Ive not been hungry at all. Lots of free stuff can eat when am hungry like eggs, beans, spuds etc.. haven't been stickin to it strictly and still have me naughty days! Have started back to regular walkin or swimming too which must be helping

                            Clothes are much looser but aint been shoppin yet for anything new(

                            Hows things with you?


                              Army Thread Monday 11th November

                              On feckin phone here so apologies for delay in posting xx


                                Army Thread Monday 11th November

                                Howdy folks - so knackered - fell asleep again :egad: so bit the bullet & have taken to me bed avec laptop.
                                Sorry for being such a moan...

